Publish Your Book:
Proven Strategies and Resources for the Enterprising Author
by Patricia Fry
Publish Your Book: Proven Strategies and Resources for the Enterprising Author is a professional guide to publishing success for the new and struggling author. With insider tips, up-to-date marketing strategies, timelines, and other resources, this book offers a comprehensive tour of the world of book publishing to help authors successfully navigate the industry.
Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, this book will help you write your book for a target audience, build promotion into your book, write a successful query letter and book proposal, choose the right publishing option for your book, establish or strengthen your platform, get your book into bookstores, and successfully promote and sell your book. Authors and publishers in any genre and at any stage of the publishing process will benefit from this comprehensive resource, which is an exceptional companion to Promote Your Book (Allworth Press, 2011).
Now read the Table of Contents and Chapter 1 in PDF.
Testimonials on the back of the book:
“Patricia Fry has written an eye-opening book that tells it like it really is. Would-be authors who want to make their book a commercial success should read this for an insurmountable head start over all the others. It is comprehensive, well written, up to date and highly informative. I believe it is one of the most helpful publishing books out there.”
~Brian Jud, author of How to Make Real Money Selling Books and Beyond the Bookstore.
“Patricia Fry does a great job of providing both realism and encouragement to authors who are enthusiastic about publishing their books. I believe in good planning in the publishing process, and Chapter One alone is worth the price of admission.”
~Scott Flora, Vice President, About Books, Inc.
“This book provides generous doses of insider information about the publishing process.”
~Jeff Herman, literary agent and author of Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors and Literary Agents.
“Patricia really knows about publishing! Her book offers years of wisdom and powerful insights on writing, publishing, and marketing your book for anyone serious about book publishing success.”
~Debbie Allen, international business speaker and bestselling author of Confessions of Shameless Self-Promoters.
Publish Your Book: Proven Strategies and Resources for the Enterprising Author [Paperback]
Price: $19.95
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Allworth Press (January, 2012)
ISBN: 978-1-58115-884-7

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