Archive for January, 2009

Expand Your Writing Profits

Saturday, January 31st, 2009

Writing is a rather self-serving activity, don’t you think? We derive great pleasure from the process of stringing and weaving words together. We thrill at the idea of moving someone to tears or laughter through our writing. We love coming up with new and interesting ways of presenting a thought, dialog or information. And, as writers, we can create material strictly to please ourselves—that is, until we start writing for publication.

Some writers, when they decide to turn their writing into earnings, find a niche—a specific area of interest. Two of my writer friends write almost exclusively for animal and pet publications. Others do only travel writing. There are freelancers who write primarily for the childhood education, gardening or senior markets.

How do they earn enough money to keep writing when they write only on one subject? By using every creative fiber in their being to expand on and rework that subject.

For example, let’s say that you typically write a pet column in a local newspaper, submit regularly to a paying newsletter for dog owners and occasionally contribute to various national pet and animal publications. You could conceivably increase your earnings by doing a little extra research, altering some of your pieces and submitting them to regional, family, environment or senior magazines, for example. Your column piece on local dog parks and how to behave when visiting them could be reworked to fit any community or state publication and several other types of magazines. Your article featuring the dangers of walking your dog in wilderness areas could be altered for any number of regional magazines.

I once wrote a piece for a parenting magazine on how to teach your children responsibility. I sold a similar article called, “How to Teach Your Child Responsibility Through Horse Ownership,” to a horse-related magazine and, “How to Teach Your Child Responsibility Through Owning a Cat,” to a cat magazine. So an article that originally paid around $400, suddenly blossomed into a $800 or $900 paycheck.

I write on a variety of topics. But, over the years, I’ve also submitted hundreds of articles to a niche market. That niche is writing and publishing. I’ve also written over 400 blog entries related to writing and publishing. How can one person come up with so many different ways to present material and insight on a single topic? By knowing the questions.

What does that mean? Well, in order to write for a particular audience, you must know what that audience cares about, needs to know, is interested in, could benefit from and what they are asking. Listen to people. Visit forums and blogs in your area of writing interest. Read newsletters, magazines and books on your topic. Be in constant research mode whether you are surfing the web, watching TV or chatting with someone in the supermarket.

And once you come up with the original article idea and sell it, begin immediately looking for ways to change or expand on it. Here’s another concrete ideas for those of you who find this difficult: I once saw an article in the newspaper about raised gardens for the disabled gardener. My research led me to eventually write several articles on therapy gardens, therapeutic gardening, gardening tools for the handicapped gardener, healing gardens for the ailing and meditation gardens. These articles appeared in family, senior, regional, general, health and walking magazines.

This week, why don’t you work on expanding and altering some of your most promising or popular articles to use in other types of publications. I’d love to hear of your successes.

For additional help, check out my array of books at

Among them, you’ll find, A Writer’s Guide to Magazine Articles, The Right Way to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book, The Successful Writer’s Handbook. And, if you love cats and need a warm fuzzy experience, order your copy of Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats.

Subscribe to My RSS Feed

Friday, January 30th, 2009

Have you noticed the little button just to the right toward the end of each of my blog entries? It says “Subscribe To My Feed.” How many of you have subscribed? Do you even know what this means? Well, RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. And when you subscribe at my blog site, updated information from this blog is automatically downloaded to your computer.

As most of you who visit my blog know, I post a new entry almost every day. If you haven’t established a habit of visiting my publishing blog daily—as part of your morning email ritual, for example—this may be the solution. Your subscription to my Feed will bring you the updates rather than you having to remember to go to my blog site to get them.

I’d like to know if any of you are using this Feed and how it is working out for you.

I’d also like to dialog with you about the economy and how this downturn is affecting you as a writer, author or hopeful writer/author. Is it affecting your writing or book promotion? In what way? And here’s the big question, what are you doing about it? What changes are you making in the way that you work, in your expectations, in your short-term goals? Have you gone back to a paying job? Have you lost your paying job and are turning to writing? Are you having difficulty finding your niche in the world of freelance writing? Are having trouble collecting for the work you have done? Have you found a new way to make a few bucks within the writing realm?

What is your demeanor? Your mindset? Are you frightened out of your wits? Or are you secure in your abilities to always come out on top?

Anyone who has been in this business for any length of time has experienced difficult periods because of the economy or maybe other circumstances. If you become ill or otherwise become distracted and stop promoting your services or pitching your articles, for example, your income will suffer. You’ve probably learned this lesson a time or two during your career. And here it is facing you again. But the situation is even more dire.

There’s more competition for the work that you do, people are not as readily spending on services, they are putting off educational opportunities, magazines are not getting the advertising dollars and are either folding or they’re faltering when it comes to paying their contributors, publishers are receiving more projects and investing in fewer. It’s tough. It really is.

So what is your answer? How are you managing during this difficult period? I’d like to hear from you.

In the meantime, if you need help jumpstarting your writing career, making the right moves that will entice a publisher, coming up with ideas for promoting your book, for example, check out my wide array of books for writers and authors at

And if you want to escape for a moment from the reality of life and living and enter into a world of fur and whiskers, order Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats. It’s a sweet read. (Click on the picture of the cat, top row of books, far right.)

Truth and Lies in Writing

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

I want to give you something to think about as you write your memoir, a true story about your cat or dog, for example, or an account of something you witnessed. While it’s not okay to fabricate to the point that some authors in the news have done recently—to write blatant lies—it is okay to ignore some of the details. In fact, I tell authors that it is sometimes okay not to tell the entire, complete truth. Many times, it’s best that you don’t.

If it is not pertinent to the story whether you used your right hand to open the door or your left, don’t mention it. Give your reader the information he needs in order to visualize the story—to help him to be a part of the story—but not so much detail that he becomes distracted by it.

Maybe, in reality, you had to cross two streets and walk around the other side of a green Honda with a dangling license plate and a child’s car seat inside to reach the dry cleaners where you picked up your linen table cloth for your intimate dinner that night. But is all of this detail necessary to the story you are telling? If not, drop it. Say, instead, that you walked around the corner to the dry cleaners and picked up the linen.

Sometimes keeping to the order of things rudely interrupts a story. Maybe it happened that John came to your door and walked right in. But it may make a better story if he hesitates at the door before knocking and reconsiders what he’s going to say. Instead of writing the true account—that Jayne called the doctor three times before she got an answer—if this isn’t important to the story, just have Jayne dial the phone and speak to the doctor.

In other words, stick to your story, of course, but don’t be so truthful that it hurts your readers.

Computers and Cats
It has been a rough morning computer-wise. I got a message that I have a nasty virus. But that turned out to be some company trying to sell me virus protection. We are running my virus protection program now just to be on the safe side. Then someone emailed me at my website saying that they could not get an email through to my yahoo address.

We certainly become complacent with our computers, don’t we? We get so accustomed to the computer following our every command—on command—that we get frustrated when there is a glitch of any kind.

Sometimes my computer reminds me of my cats. At times, it’s unpredictable, finicky and seems to have a mind of its own. The computer, like a cat, can provide such pleasure. But you never know when it will decide to turn on you. While a cat who may nibble on your favorite house plant, use your garden for a litter box, upchuck a soggy furball in the middle of the night on your route to the bathroom and shed all over your black suit, your computer sometimes freezes up, looses contact with the printer or refuses to perform a simple, much-needed function.

Speaking of cats, I received a call from my sister-in-law yesterday in Idaho telling me how much she is enjoying reading Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats. She said, “The stories just make me smile. They’re so uplifting. And I’m really getting to know more about you. I love it.”

Others, who have bought copies, are coming back and purchasing additional copies for their cat-lovin’ friends and relatives. Don’t forget that I have a Valentine’s Day special going on. I send you a dollar back for every copy of the print edition of Catscapades that you purchase before February 14, 2009. And what a lovely and sweet Valentine’s Day gift this is for anyone who adores cats and enjoys reading about them.

Order your copy at

I am now taking new clients. If you need editorial help (every book manuscript needs an editor) and/or a publishing consultant, contact me at

Don’t Forget About the Cute Little Period

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

I am frequently amazed and amused at how some writers shy away from using the period. Does it frighten them? Are they afraid that if they end a sentence, they will lose the essence of their message? On the contrary, the intent in a sentence that goes on and on is much more likely to be lost than the intent in a series of succinct, well-placed and pointed sentences.

Storytelling is a process. You rely on step-by-step momentum in order to develop your story and to carry it. When writing instructions or a self-help piece, you must use logic in presenting your material and present it so that it can be easily assimilated.

One clever little object that helps us to do this is the period. It indicates to the reader, the end of a statement, thought or bit of dialogue, for example. A story without a period, would keep readers from creating a connection to the theme, your characters and the flow of the story. He would get confused quite early on.

Commas cannot take the place of periods, nor can semi-colons or connector words such as “and,” “as,” or “so.” Try to sneak a lot of these guys into your sentences and you’re probably creating run-on sentences that go nowhere and say little.

A run-on sentence, one with more than 26 words max, it’s fragments woven together by commas and connector words, is generally so diluted by the time you finish it, and so confusing and hard to follow, that the meaning is completely lost.

Now that’s a sentence with 42 words. A bit long, don’t you think? It’s not awful, but it could be pared down and made more easily understandable.

When you write your next paragraph, article or letter, examine your sentences. Do you have any that seem terribly long? Do some of them carry on for several lines? Do you think this is okay because you’re sticking to the same topic throughout the entire sentence? Let me answer this by example. Take a look at the following sentence:

“She so wanted to have a child that, with a face flushed with embarrassment, she rushed to the front door of her apartment and, as she grabbed the doorknob with her right hand and opened it wide as she ran out the door and to the apartment next door and began ringing the bell as if she was desperate, which she was because, having a child was her destiny, or at least, she believed this and so did her parents who were pressuring her to have a child, even though she was still in her twenties and unmarried without a job or a future with a man.”

Sure, this sentence focuses on one theme, and it gives the reader some insight into the character’s situation and dilemma. But you’re asking a lot of the reader if you expect him to muddle through this mess of thoughts, facts and actions in one giant bite. Not only does this sentence include some unnecessary aspects (who cares which hand she uses to grab the doorknob?), it is terribly convoluted and downright muddy. Do I actually see writing like this in the course of my editorial work? Yes, I do. How do I handle something like this? I either break it down into reasonable bits and bites or I ask the author to do so. I suggest that she eliminate several instances of “and,” “as,” and “so,” that she write this with more clarity and that she create maybe three or four complete sentences from this one.

Don’t fear or hate the period. It is there to keep you looking good as a writer. The period is your friend. It can help you to get your point across, move or touch your readers and clarify your thoughts and ideas.

For more help with writing, punctuation and self-editing, order your copy of The Right Way to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book today.

Excerpt From New Book of TRUE Cat Stories

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

I decided to present an excerpt from my latest book, Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats. This book is getting attention all over the net. Some people, upon hearing the title, think it is a book of fiction. Guess what? The stories in Catscapades are true. It’s nonfiction all the way—real life stories, except possibly for one. Before I tell the Kitty Catapult story, I state that I have no proof of the validity of this story. Actually, it’s been told over and over again. It’s a great story. It could be true. But I don’t know that it is, so I can’t and don’t present it as such.

Here is one of my favorite short stories reflecting an incident I witnessed with my own kitties nearly 40 years ago. Enjoy.

Gus: The Babysitting Cat

Gus was an ordinary gray and white male cat with an extraordinary heart. In the early years of my adult infatuation with cats and, while I was raising small children, I was not quick to get my cats spayed and neutered. Thus, I experienced the joy of a few litters of kittens. We raised Gus and his sister, Molly from PomPom’s second (and last) litter. Before long, Molly had kittens of her own.

Molly was an incredible mother. In fact, I didn’t see her leave the birthing box for days after the kittens were born and I wasn’t able to coax her out. So I carried food and water to her. “Maybe she’s slipping out at night to use the sandbox and stretch her legs when we’re asleep,” I thought.

On the third morning, as I sat next to the box stroking Molly and her babies, I crooned, “You’re such a devoted mommy. You’re taking such good care of your kittens. But you need to take care of yourself, too. Get out and move around a little. Your babies will be okay.” Molly just purred and licked one of her kittens so hard that he rolled over on his back. He reminded me of a tortoise for a few seconds as he clumsily tried to right himself. I reached down and nudged the chubby body until he was in nursing position again. I was still chuckling as I walked over to make the bed.

Suddenly, Gus walked into the room. His pace was deliberate—as if he was on a mission. Of course, I’d heard about male cats harming kittens and I became concerned. But Gus and Molly were so close—surely he wouldn’t hurt the babies. In fact, I kept both of these kittens because of their obvious devotion to one another. They were inseparable. When one was sleeping, they were both sleeping curled up in a gray and white circle of fur—always together. When one was outside, the other was always nearby. This was the longest period I’d ever seen them apart. And now here he came. I wanted to stop him. Don’t get any closer, I thought. Danger! Danger! Frightening thoughts filled my head.

I looked over at Molly. She seemed unconcerned. And then something happened—something I would never imagine—something I’ve never witnessed before or since.

Molly stepped out of the birthing box and Gus stepped in. I watched in astonishment as Molly walked calmly out of the room. I looked back over at Gus. To my amazement, there he sat arrow straight and upright staring into space—ears slanted slightly out, eyes only partially open, a look of disgust and disdain on his whiskered face. He sat like a statue seemingly ignoring the motion at his feet as four newborn kittens squirmed and rolled around him.

A good ten minutes later, Molly reappeared in the doorway. Gus spotted her and leapt out of the box. He walked swiftly past her without so much as a “howdy do.” In fact, his demeanor was more as if to say, “You owe me one, kid—you owe me BIG.” And as far as I know, that was the first and last time that Gus ever agreed to be the babysitter.

Order your copy of Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats today.

Research Never Ends for Authors

Monday, January 26th, 2009

Do you use Google Alerts? Do you know what it is? Well, it’s a system that Google has created for keeping you informed about the happenings and writings in your genres or topics of interest. As an author of a book on marble collecting, for example, you’ll want to know about new collectors on the scene, interesting marble finds, how people are displaying their marble collections, where the marble collectors’ meetings are being held, historical information on marbles, new concepts about marble collecting, government regulations on marble collecting, etc. And you can keep abreast of what’s going on in your area of interest through Google Alerts.

Just go to and insert the keywords that you think will bring you the information and news you want and need. Click on “Comprehensive” and you will receive everything new that pertains to your topic published in newspapers as well as blogs, for example. You can ask to receive this information daily or weekly.

And when you receive it, open it and follow the links that look useful, informative or otherwise important to your own project.

What will you learn? If you are still writing your book, you’ll learn about new research being conducted in your area of interest—material that, perhaps, you can use in your book. You’ll locate new sources and resources. You’ll find out what else is out there on your topic.

If you have a published book on the subject, if you’re alert, you’ll discover new ways to promote your book, blogs where you can be interviewed or where your book can be reviewed, blogs and articles that you can learn from—the posts/publishers of new material that you can research for your newsletter and/or blog, for example.

Here’s something I found on one of my Google Alerts reports this morning. It doesn’t affect me, but I know it affects all of you who have books designed for children under age 12. What a mess. The bill that Bush signed to protect our children from lead poisoning has threatened to put many small entrepreneurs and publishers out of business. Hopefully, someone will see the error in this bill and amend it before the economy suffers even greater ills and thousands of hardworking small business owners, publishers and authors lose their dreams. And what about our children? Without books and educational toys, they will lag even further behind in their reading skills, eventual love of reading and overall healthy mental and physical growth.

I read another article indicating that the law does not affect products produced before February 10, 2009. And then it is up to publishers and product designers to make sure that their manufacturers comply with the new testing laws from that point on. Any way you look at it, it is probably going to be an expensive transition.

Read the article in Contra Costa Times by Suzanne Bohan at

You may also want to read the statement issued by the American Booksellers Association.

Want to chill and avoid all of the bad news for a while? Here’s a good book to read on the next snow day in the east and Midwest or rainy day in the west: Order the ebook or comb-bound print edition of Patricia Fry’s latest book: Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats. http://www.catscapades.html

Are You Tracking Your Book Sales?

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

As an author with a book to promote, how do you know which of your promotional efforts are working? If you’re like many authors, you are putting yourself out there in numbers of ways. You’re speaking in public, sending press releases, writing articles for publications, keeping up a blog, participating in other blogs and have an interactive website, for example. So which of these activities result in book sales? It’s important to know so you can do more of what is working.

Paid advertisements and mass mailings generally have built-in monitoring systems. You simply add letters or numbers to your address or post a code somewhere in the ad or circular. When you receive an order by mail, you can tell which effort generated this sale. Likewise, when a customer calls your 800 ordering number, you can ask for the promotional code.

You can also include a “How did you hear about us,” question on your online order form. We do this with the SPAWN membership application. That way we know if the new member was referred by an individual or another organization, if they learned about SPAWN through some of our promotional efforts, saw our booth at one of the book festivals we attend or found us through a random internet search.

Sometimes I get flurries of book sales and I can usually attribute this activity to an article that just appeared somewhere. Sales were up considerably after my article on publishing appeared in The Toastmaster Magazine over the holidays. Of course, if I have two or three pieces published during the same month, I’m not sure which one inspired the book orders, unless I ask. And sometimes I do.

We can also check our web traffic to get an idea of which aspects of our website and which of our books attract the most interest. Ask your webmaster about tracking your web traffic and then monitor it.

When book sales slow down, what are you going to do? Get out there and do more of the kind of promotion that works for your book. If you’ve been sending press releases to random newspapers and see no measurable results, perhaps you need a different approach. Try targeting appropriate newspaper columnists, instead. Maybe your novel features vintage automobiles. Contact the editors of the many car-related columns across the nation for a possible interview or book review. If your book focuses on how to stage your home to sell, contact real estate column editors. Of course, there are also gardening, senior, student, health, pet, music, hobby and sundry other types of columns in newspapers throughout the U.S. and beyond. Here are some links where you can do your own research:

News Bite
I’ve been recommending the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts site for quite some time to hopeful authors who have questions related to copyright law or permissions issues. Well, one hopeful author this week contacted me to say that the free service is only available to people who live in Missouri or South Western Illinois. I don’t know if this is something new or if it has been this way all along. When I first checked them out, I did not notice this policy. And, over all of these years, this is the first person to report back to me. And I thank him for the information because it is news I can use.

And in turn, I went on a research rampage and found these sites for those of you with copyright or permissions questions.

“Free Advice” offers Law and Legal Advice for free and sometimes a nominal fee:

“Just Answers” also provides legal advice and you set the price. Check this site out at:

For advice on every aspect of publishing, no matter your publishing choices, pay $19.95 for my 312-page book, The Right Way to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book. When you consider that this book responds to hundreds of questions and offers countless bits of information and resources, you’re getting this advice practically free.

And just for fun, check out my brand new book, Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats.

How to Make it in Publishing During Tough Economic Times

Saturday, January 24th, 2009

For those of you who write about animals—and I know that some of you do—I just read a press release printed in PRWEb (Press Release Newswire) reporting on the upcoming Business of Pet Writing Conference in New York. And guess what? Folks, this is a first. The professionals who will be present, indicate that they are optimistic about the field of pet writing both at the periodical level and in book publishing. Isn’t it refreshing to read something positive about the economy and our profession for a change?

Who are these “experts?” Representatives from the American Veterinary Medical Association, American Kennel Club, American Pet Products Association, etc. Also present will be, as the article states, “A myriad of talent in the publishing business—representatives from Publishers Weekly, Houghton Mifflin, St. Martin’s Press, the Authors Guild and various pet-related magazines. According to one professional, people will always be interested in their animal companions. And she predicts a “bright future” for those of us who write about pets.

Now that’s downright encouraging, isn’t it?

Did it ever occur to you that, in writing and in life, you must create your own encouragement and certainly your own success? You may be accustomed to promoting your book and pitching your article ideas. It’s a time-consuming, trying, sometimes debilitating task and it is ongoing. In difficult economic times, it can be even more challenging. You work longer and harder and there’s more rejection. But you see new books like the one you are pitching being produced. You read articles like those you want to write in key magazines. So you know that the opportunities are out there.

How do you think others get their similar book manuscripts and articles published? Do they all know someone in high places? Do they bribe the editors? Or do they persevere and keep their ear to the ground while always presenting the best writing they are capable of in the most professional manner? Do you want to succeed (or at least keep your head above water) in these tough economic times? In my opinion, here’s what it’s going to take:

• Study your industry and/or genre—historical fiction, young adult, pets, parenting, travel, health, for example. What are the trends? What’s new? Subscribe to related newsletters. Sign up with Google Alerts ( and follow the prompts daily.

• Seek out new opportunities—new publishers and/or paying markets. Google Alerts will help you with this. Also purchase “Writer’s Market” and refer to it often. Join SPAWN (Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network) for monthly updates and opportunities related to publishing and writing for periodicals. . Read the magazines you want to write for. Research books like yours to discover appropriate publishers.

• Increase the number of targeted query letters and/or book proposals you send by 40-50% or more. This will increase your chances for success.

• Dedicate more time to your publishing efforts. This might mean sacrificing time in front of the TV, foregoing some social events, limiting the luxury of sleeping in on weekends, etc.

• Exercise a greater level of patience and persistence than you ever thought possible. If you thought editors/publishers were slow to respond before, it’s only going to get worse as they cut staff. Many do not even respond at all unless they are considering your article or book manuscript. Don’t let this discourage you. Keep on keeping on.

Lastly, let me suggest that you give them what they want. I can’t tell you how many writers and artists I know who try to “make it” with something they want to do. Maybe you have noticed, it is much harder to sell something that you happen to want to sell than it is something that others actually want. If you have been trying to break into publishing with your essay on why it is important to spay/neuter your pet and no one is interested, perhaps it’s time to try something else. If you love to decorate vases with beach glass, but no one is buying, maybe this isn’t a good business move. What to do?

Isn’t it obvious? What should you do? Something else. Find out what IS selling, what is hot, what is trendy, what people need/want, what they can use in these troubling times. For example, people are interested in saving money, so you might be able to sell articles to some of the many regional magazines throughout the U.S. featuring spay/neuter clinics in these areas. Folks might be cutting down on expenses by firing their pet sitters and need to know where the free dog parks are in their city and what the rules and hours are, right? Why can’t you do the research and write the articles?
You’ve heard it before, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. If you want to experience some measure of success within the publishing industry, you’d better adopt this as your motto.

And if you plan to move ahead with your book project despite the economy, be sure to read my book, The Right Way to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book. This is an investment toward your future. I can’t even begin to tell you of the money and heartache you can save by arming yourself with the knowledge and resources you need in the highly competitive field of publishing. If you want to break into article-writing, read my book, A Writer’s Guide to Magazine Articles.

And while you’re there, just for fun, don’t forget to check out my newest book of cat stories, Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats. It will tickle you and warm your heart.

How Do You Keep Writing in This Economic Climate?

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

Are you making it during these difficult financial times? Is your writing suffering as you concentrate your efforts on a paying job or on finding a job? Are you a professional freelance writer or do you rely on the income from your published book? How are you handling the slowdown? Or are you experiencing a slowdown? Are you scrambling to get more writing work—doing more promotion? Are you willing to expand your services in order to get work? Or have you given up on your writing work in exchange for a regular job?

What is your story? How are you keeping your head above water? Comment here. Let’s share and network. Maybe we can help each other.

I’ve been in touch with some of my former clients this month. I like to know how their projects are going. One of them gave me a newsy update and included this comment, “I am realizing that the more patient I am about this process (of publishing a book) the better things tend to work out.” She goes on to tell me about some opportunities that have come up with regard to her book project because she is taking her time moving through the process rather than rushing things. She said that if she’d grasped at the first straw offered, she would have spent more money and missed out on some marvelous opportunities. She doesn’t have a published book, yet. But she still has money in her pocket. AND she is currently negotiating with an organization who wants to help her with promotion.

Perhaps you recall my article, Hurry Up and Fail. It deals with this very issue. Check it out at:

Herein, I suggest that hopeful authors take the publishing process in manageable increments and logical steps. I list the important steps and when to initiate them. If you are writing a book for publication, if you do not read another article this month, read this one—Hurry Up and Fail.

My article, How to Protect Yourself From Publishing Scams appeared in the January 2009 edition of the SPAN Connection (the newsletter of the Small Publishers of North America).

Have you checked out my latest ebook, Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats? This book is also available in print (comb-bound) form.

The Questions That Authors Ask

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

Sometimes I feel like a walking encyclopedia—not because I am so smart, but because I am constantly being tapped for whatever information I have gathered over my 35 years as a working writer/author. And do you know what? I enjoy it. From the first time a budding writer asked me, “How do you get an article published?” I was hooked. I began to realize that I had what it takes to teach—at least in my area of interest and professional expertise.

Oh, I don’t know the answer to every question that comes my way. But I know how to find it. So, not only do I feel like an encyclopedia, I also get to feel like a research scientist.

I find it interesting what hopeful authors want to know. At first, they may ask, “How do you find a publisher?” “Do I need an agent?” “What do I send to the publisher?” “Is it worthwhile to attend a writers’ conference?” And the classic, “I just finished writing a book, now how do I get it published?”

Later in their process, they ask me, “Can I buy just one ISBN?” “When should I copyright my book?” “How much should I charge for my book?” “What is the best way to promote a book?”

And once the book is produced, the questions change again: “How do I get a book review?” “Which press release service should I use?” “My self-publishing company isn’t promoting my book, what should I do?” “Can I get out of my contract?” “How can I boost my book sales?”

I’ve written articles, blog posts and books in response to all of these questions and I am also happy to respond to them personally. My challenge and my passion is to catch hopeful authors and freelance writers early in their quest for publishing fame and fortune and encourage them to learn the publishing ropes before getting too involved.

Entering publishing without the proper education (and by this I mean information and knowledge about the publishing industry) is like going horseback riding without a set of reins or taking your canoe out on the ocean without a paddle.

My hope is that, if you are new to publishing—if you have a book in your heart or even in your computer—that you are actively educating yourself about the fiercely competitive publishing industry before getting involved. If you are promoting a book and it isn’t going well, I hope that you will stop the forward motion and start gathering the information and resources you need in order to create the success you desire. What specifically do I suggest?

No matter where you are in the writing, publishing or book marketing process, read my book, The Right Way to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book:

If you have a book that is stagnating in the marketplace, read my ebook, The Author’s Toolkit. It will show you how to revive a faltering or failing book:

Join SPAWN (Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network)

Probably the most valuable resource we offer members is the SPAWN Market Update. I produce this 9 to 14-page newsletter each month and we publish it in the member area of the SPAWN website. This newsletter is overflowing with opportunities, resources, tips, tidbits, newsbites for authors, freelance writers, poets, novelists, screenplay writers, artists, photographers—anyone interested in publishing. The fact is that the information, resources and opportunities in just one issue of the Market Update, if pursued, will more than pay for your annual membership of only $45/year.

Are you looking for a publisher, an agent, book promotion opportunities, magazines that pay for material, jobs for photographers, opportunities for artists or screenwriters? You’ll find it in almost every issue of the SPAWN Market Update. Not only that, as a member of SPAWN, you will have access to our Market Update archives. And it comes complete with a search function, for ease in finding exactly what you are seeking.

Join SPAWN Now and turn your publishing luck around:

For those of you who have been cheering on my latest book, Catscapades, Tales of Ordinary and Extraordinary Cats, things are going well. People love to read about cats. Here are links to the two latest sites that have posted about Catscapades. The Cat Lady of Seattle. January 21, 2009

And at All Cute Cats: Posted also on January 21, 2009, go to:

Isn’t this fun? If you want to order your copy of the ebook or comb-bound copy, go to Remember, I’m refunding a dollar for each book purchased through February 14, 2009.