Category Archives: About Cats

Feline Fun Friday — Too Many Kittens.

After I posted my blog about the plight of the feral cat in Flatbush (and other places) and the importance of spaying/neutering our cats, a reader/friend sent me a note, She has been feeding feral cats in her yard for … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Rescue | 2 Comments

Meowy Monday – Two National Cat Holidays

If you’re into celebrating cats, today should be a good day for you. Not only is it National Take Your Cat to Work Day, it’s also National Garfield Cat Day. National Take Your Cat to Work Day. Now that’s an … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Time to Share Your Cat Stories

Wednesday I shared a story about the struggles and successes of street cats in New York. I think most of us have stories of helping feral or street cats—strays—whatever you want to call them. I’d love to share some of … Continue reading

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Paws up for Wednesday – Way Too Many Feral Cats in Flatbush

It’s a sad story, but one that is duplicated in many areas of New York as well as many other cities, counties, states. The number of street cats has risen and will continue to rise. One factor, they say, is … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Feral Cats | 1 Comment

Feline Fun Friday—What is Your Cat Actually Thinking?

If you read everything that comes across your desktop or laptop about the abilities of the cat, like I do, you’re surely developing a new respect for them. I mean, look at the myths and former scientific studies about cats … Continue reading

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Paws Up For Wednesday – When You Leave Your Cat at Home

Do you have pangs of guilt when you walk out the door to run an errand, visit someone, go jogging, or, heaven forbid, leave on a trip? If your cats are like mine, they know when you’re getting ready to … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – How Smart is Your Cat?

We all think our cat is pretty darn smart. Most of them know how to ask for food. They may join you in the kitchen and walk around in circles meowing hoping you’re smart enough to know they’re hungry. Some … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – International Hug Your Cat Day

Guess what, you get to hug your cat some more. Last week we celebrated National Hug Your Cat Day. Tomorrow is International Hug Your Cat Day, so I’d recommend continuing to give your cat precious hugs and snuggles (if she’ll … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – It’s National Adopt a Cat Month

Today I’d like to celebrate our adopted cats. Actually most of them are adopted, unless you’re a cat breeder or your cat had kittens and you kept one. What are some of the ways to adopt a cat? I’ve personally, … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – National Hug Your Cat Day

I mean who needs to be reminded to hug a cat? Isn’t it a reflex action? When your cat saunters up to you or you see a beautiful cat out and about, you just want to scoop them up and … Continue reading

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