Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday – Klepto Cats Unite!

Those of you who are familiar with Rags and his thieving ways, will be interested in knowing that he’s not the only klepto cat around. Of course, when I decided to feature a cat burglar in my cozy mystery novels, … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Kitty-Cat Water-Babies

First, I want to share my latest guest post. I had fun writing this one for Mystery Sequels. In this post, I shared some of the secrets of what makes my cozy mysteries popular and readable. You might be surprised … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats Helping Kids

Yesterday, we talked about how kids help cats. Here’s an article focused on how cats can help children with anxiety and depression. And this piece is written by a teen. Angie Bailey has written other articles related to children and … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – A Cat is a Cat is a Cat! NOT!

Well, this depends on the cat, the moment, and the observer. Those who don’t know cats very well, might look at a cat and say, “That’s just a cat—an ordinary cat being catlike.” But you—someone who adores cats and who … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cats Who Make a Difference

Yesterday we talked about cats who solve crimes. While doing the research, I came across a book I want to talk about. It was first published in 2007 by Sam Stall and it’s called, 100 Cats Who Changed Civilization. Of … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats Who Actually Do Solve Crimes

CATS IN THE BELFRY ready for purchase. As you know, a major premise (and one of the fun parts) of the Klepto Cat Mysteries is the fact that Rags helps solve crimes and mysteries. It’s his curiosity and creativity that … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cancer in Cats

This is not a very uplifting topic, but we should be aware and informed about early cancer detection in our precious cats. Education can save lives and the life you save might be that of your beloved cat. I’ve seen … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – My Cat Doesn’t Come When I Call Her!!

Do you wonder why your cat ignores you when you call her? She might look at you when you bellow, but immediately go back to what she was doing. Why do dogs run to you when you call their name … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Is the uTube Cat Frenzy Benefitting the Cat?

Cats seem to rule the Internet, when it comes to cute, funny, clever, sad, heart-tugging, interesting videos and even blogs. Cats are portrayed in every imaginable way—driving cars, mentoring other animals, wearing wigs, climbing the walls, and just being darned … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Furry Purry Mentors

Here are a couple of cats, whose stories tugged at my heartstrings. I especially loved seeing this terminally ill feral male, who obviously hasn’t warmed up to humans, interacting with kittens who adopted him as their surrogate Papa. So snuggly … Continue reading

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