Category Archives: About Cats

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How Did I End Up With This Cat?

While I’ve written articles and posts on the most mature and logical way to choose a cat for your home, I have to admit that most often, when I enter a shelter or visit a litter of kittens, I lead … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Is There a Cat in Your Library?

Cats and books go together. Who doesn’t love the image of curling up on a cool winter day with a cat to read a book? As we’ve discussed here in this blog, many writers have cats wandering in and out … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – What Does Your Cat Think About?

Don’t you wonder sometimes what your cat is thinking? She crouches at the window twitching her tail. You look out and see nothing. What is she looking at? What is she thinking? Sometimes your cat sits staring at an object—a … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – People Food for Cats and the Magnificent Maine Coon

What do you feed your cat? Does she sometimes (or all the time) beg for whatever you’re eating? Does she get excited when you’re grating cheese and wait for shreds to land on the floor? Does he look over your … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Funny Cats

Who says cats don’t have a sense of humor? Have you ever spent time with a kitten? Even a sophisticated grown cat will shed his dour persona and engage in a frivolous and fun moment now and then. Just bring … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—A Safe Holiday for Your Pets

A fun celebration for us can become quite uncomfortable and even frightening for our pets. The fireworks display, for example, if nearby, can terrify a cat or dog. Many pets are startled by the sounds and, if given the chance, … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – What’s Your Cat Trying to Tell You?

If you’ve lived with a cat for a while, you know that she has a mind of her own. She may even have a vocabulary. She understands certain words, she seems to have a built-in clock, and she certainly picks … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Have You Picked Your Cat’s Godparents?

If you’ve loved cats for a long time, you’ve probably experienced at least one heartbreaking goodbye. Typically, it’s the pet parent who helps a beloved fur-friend over the rainbow bridge. (This photo shows several of my beloved kitty-cats who have … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Funny Cats

I have a Cat-a-Day calendar here in my office. Along with today’s cat photo, there’s a quote from Geoffrey Household saying, “I have noticed that what cats most appreciate in a human being is not the ability to produce food, … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Remarkable Revelations About Your Cat

It blows me away how prevalent cats are in the news these days. Even the New York Times features cat stories. The Huffington Post always has interesting stories featuring cats. I use these sources and many others to find stories, … Continue reading

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