Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday – How Many is Too Many Cats?

Lindsay Detwiller has five cats and she’s proud of it. But it took her a while to get to the place where she’d admit the number of cats she cares for in her home. She used to shudder at the … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cats in the Hood

Monday, I talked about the outside versus inside cat controversy. Did this conversation strike a chord with you? Are you pro or con either side? While I keep my cats inside, I sure do enjoy seeing cats roaming the neighborhood—lolling … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Is Your Cat a Roamer or a Homebody?

First, let me share my news: The Kindle version of Catnapped, the first book in the Klepto Cat Mystery series, is FREE all week—Monday through Friday. Download your copy here: Now to the topic at hand. Everyone has an … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – The Challenge of the Feral Cat Population

Unfortunately it has become necessary for individuals and organizations and even informal groups to gather and intervene on behalf of cats. There are thousands of such agencies. Yet, there are still far too many cats without homes, comfort, love, and … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats From Hell—and Heaven

Have you ever watched Jackson Galaxy’s program, Cats From Hell, on Animal Planet? Wow, does he take on some challenging cat situations. There are cats that don’t get along with each other barely surviving in the same household, cats that … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Fascinating Cat Stories in the News

The Huffington Post loves cats and I love to peruse their site in search of interesting cat news stories for you. Here’s a rundown on some stories they’re running right now. Read about the veterinarian in Dublin who’s advertising for … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Are Cat Owners Happier?

I’m sure that I smile more often throughout the day when there’s a cat around. I love having the company of one or more cats. Just last night, we were laughing out loud at Sophie’s and Lily’s antics as they … Continue reading

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Thursday – How do I Love My Cat—Let me Count the Ways

Here’s proof again, that cats prefer us to food. They actually did a study using 50 cats from homes as well as shelters. They put the cats in a room away from people, food, toys–everything. When they brought the cats … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – A Cat After My Own Heart

Lily is a giving cat. I’ve talked before about how she brings me her toys. She has a whole collection of tiny stuffed animals—opossum, owl, eagle, bears, hedgehog, moose, cat, turtle, bunnies and so forth. We keep them in a … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Hug Your Cat Day–Here’s How!

Sunday is Hug Your Cat Day. Now that’s a no-brainer. If your household is like mine, your cats get hugged regularly, whether they want a hug or not, right? I’ve found that there are different ways to hug a cat–especially … Continue reading

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