Category Archives: About Cats

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Flexible Cat

One of the charms of the cat is the way she can bend and flex and twist and wind herself into some of the strangest positions. The fact is, a cat’s spine can rotate and flex more than most animals. … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Are Dogs Really Smarter Than Cats? NO!

There’s new evidence showing that cats are every bit as smart (author’s note—if not smarter) than your average dog. But the really cool thing about this report is that some of the tests “may imply a type of consciousness in … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – What Cats Don’t Care About

This morning, I woke up to no Internet. It could be that our modem thingy needs to be reset—I don’t know and I won’t know until the computer expert in the house wakes up. In the meantime, I’m not a … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats Cleaning Up the Rat-Pack

Chicago is known as the rattiest city in the country. Some businesses and neighborhoods are simply overrun with gnawing, disease-spreading rats. Evidently, this problem is beyond the capability of professional pest control and many business owners and home owners have … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Is Your Cat an Adventurer?

How daring is your cat? Does he have access to the great out-of-doors? Does he disappear for hours at a time only to return with a lizard gift for you or smelling of mint or jasmine or something funky like … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Odd Habits of Cats

People wonder how I came up with the idea for the star cat in my Klepto Cat Mystery series. You see, Rags, a part-Ragdoll cat, who doesn’t look a thing like a Ragdoll, steals things and sometimes the things he … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Celebrities With Cats

Are you interested in what kind of pets celebrities and other celebrated people are attracted to? Martha Stewart is often photographed with a couple of white Samoyeds and Himalayan cats. Former President Franklin Roosevelt was known for his Scottie and … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – The Secret Lives of Cats

We’ve talked before about the secrets roaming cats keep from us and how interesting it would be to put a camera on them and find out where they go every day and what they do. Guess what, someone has done … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Our Love-Hate Relationships With Cats

Huh? Hate our cats? No way. Well, maybe we do get a bit aggravated with them at times…like when they don’t follow the household rules. For example, we want nice furniture and they—well, you know what they do to it. … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Okay, Who’s Smarter—Cats or Dogs?

I think that most dedicated cat people will agree that cats are every bit as smart as dogs—maybe even smarter. But they use their intelligence or thinking abilities in a very different way. There’s a new study out that says … Continue reading

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