Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – What’s Up With Cats in Boxes?

The Internet is abuzz with pictures of cats in boxes, bowls, pots, and other vessels. There’s even a popular challenge raging for cat owners to create a box on the floor with tape and see what your cat does. Many—if … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Things Your Cat May Not Tell You

I came across a fun site listing 46 surprising cats about cats. And boy did some of them surprise me. Here are a few of them: Cat owners are 40% less likely to have a heart attack and 30% less … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Working Cats

It never ceases to amaze me where we’ll find cats these days and what cats are doing. I mean, they’re working in the field of therapy for the elderly and ailing. Cats have been known to rescue people from fires … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Strange Cat Stories in the News

I write cat fiction—that is, my mysteries involve and include some interesting cat characters. And I’ve made up some intriguing stories. But, as they say, fact is stranger than fiction and these news stories prove it. Have you read about … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Tabbies Rule

Yesterday was the second National Tabby Day. We first blogged about National Tabby Day last year at this time. Did you know there are some famous tabbies? There’s Garfield, of course. Winston Churchill adored a marmalade tabby named Jock. Orangey … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Why Cats Are Awesome

You probably already have your own list of things that make your cat special. But, just in case you’ve forgotten or haven’t thought of the reasons lately, here’s a list your cat wants you to read. You’ll find that it … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – My Cat Impersonates a Pair of Slippers

Cats have a reputation of being aloof and anti-social. As the quip goes, to cats we’re staff—at their beck and call to give them whatever they want when they want it. And usually, it seems, when they’re being cute and … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Why are cats better than dogs?

Here we go again–debating the age-old question as to whether a dog or a cat makes a better pet.  According to statistics, more households in the US have dogs, but there are more pet cats than pet dogs in our … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Is the Home Environment Really Safe for Cats?

Wow! We’ve chosen to raise our cats indoors. Research shows that it’s safer for cats to live inside. Experts say that cats kept inside are healthier and live longer. They are protected from dogs, coyotes and such, as well as … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – 1001 Cat Blogs

Thank you for following my blog. I thoroughly enjoy bringing you news, stories, information, resources, and photos related to cats five-days a week. In case you’re interested in additional blogs, you can find them by searching—keywords: cat blog. You’ll find … Continue reading

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