Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday – A Shout Out For the Big Cats

They say the sweet little pussy cat evolved from the big cats. And sometimes it’s sure easy to believe. You can see likenesses in temperament, the way they move, their innate habits, and their personalities. You might think of your … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday –Charmingly Disruptive Cats

How often do you have to stop what you’re doing and pay attention to a needy or overly helpful cat? Try as I might, there’s no way I can change my bed without Lily’s help. She loves to romp on … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – The Cats Run the House

I’m sure those of you with cats sometimes feel as though they’ve taken over your home. I mean, you want them to feel comfortable, well loved, like they belong, but how far is too far? Have you had a kitten … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – What in the Heck’s Wrong With My Cat?

Just a few days ago someone asked me, “What’s wrong with my elderly cat? She walks around crying all night.” Well, I’d just read something on this topic and relayed what I learned to this cat owner. I told her, … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Mini-Tablets for Cats—Plus, Your Cat’s Diet

Most of us have been required to give our cats medicine at one time or another. It’s a real struggle, isn’t it? I’ve always preferred administering the liquid medicines, but even that sometimes gets lost in the shuffle when the … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – What Do Cats Have in Common With Snakes?

I’ve been around cats all my life and I’ve adored them from day one. But I’m afraid that I’ve taken them for granted in some ways. For example, I know that cats sometimes hiss. It’s what a cat does when … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Summer Cuts for Cats. Is it a good idea?

A cat’s fur is often what attracts us to them. A luxurious coat of fur certainly invites petting. But a cat’s most alluring feature can also be your biggest headache. While some cats seem to have nice, tangle-free fur, others … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – When Your Cat Gets Sick

We like to think that the little fur ball we bring home or the sweet cat we take into our heart will live happily ever after and beyond under our gentle care. However, sometimes cats do get injured and they … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Pet Pals

I love those little books and random stories about unlikely animal friends. There are even TV programs featuring animals who have chosen pals outside their species—a cat and a duck, for example, a pig and a horse, a dog and … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Your Cat is Under Arrest

Today, I thought we’d talk more about laws involving cats—some of them, I’m pretty sure you didn’t know about. It’s interesting to me that there seems to be no data indicating that there were cats here in the US until … Continue reading

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