Category Archives: About Cats

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats With Double Lives

Have you ever had a cat that you suspected of leading a double life? One who spent time with you, but not all the time? Maybe she would sleep at your house, but was gone all day. Or he hung … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cat Claws Laws and Care

There are a couple of things about living with cats that can be annoying. Some people find these things so annoying they take strong measures. An inside cat, who sheds, claws furniture, chews on or digs in house plants, or … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Collection of Cats

Today should be termed Eclectic Friday because I have a variety of interesting things to share. First, I finally got a picture of Lily bringing me a toy. I think some of you know I’ve been trying to get a … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Therapy Cats

Today I’d like to talk about therapy cats. Yeah, yeah, the issue of therapy animals has become controversial in recent years. People question folks who carry a pup in their pocket on an airliner or into a restaurant and claim … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Catscapades, the Book

If you want to be heard—I mean really heard and understood by your cat—you’ll appreciate this story.  At the end of my rope with the behavior of two kittens, I decided to try “speaking” their language. The results were incredible. … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Get Ready for Kitten Season

According to experts, kitten season begins this month and lasts through October. The number of unwanted kittens in the US and beyond is staggering—absolutely staggering. And the truth still remains–there are not enough homes for the number of kittens produced … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats, Cats, and More Cats

Can you believe how popular cat videos and cat photos are these days? There are advertisements using cats and kittens—and these companies are not necessarily promoting pet products. My bank actually has an ad on the wall with a cute … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Why Does My Cat Do That?

I’m beginning to think my torbie, Lily, can use telekinesis—that she has the ability to move things with her mind. Why? We call her our little decorator because she constantly moves her stuffed toys around the house when we aren’t … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Designer Feline Sanctuaries

Many of us grew up knowing about the local animal control facility in our community. Here, it was called the pound. You could go there to adopt an animal, to search for a lost pet, or to drop off a … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – New Cats on the Block

Ever hear of a Highland Lynx, a Lykoi, a Cheetoh, a LaPerm or a Donskoy? Well, guess what? They’re all cat breeds. I actually thought breeders were finished developing new cat breeds until seven years ago when I attended a … Continue reading

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