Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday – If Your Cat Could Talk

It’s common, these days, for people to put words in a cat’s mouth. There are quite a few cozy mystery series with talking and thinking cats. Cat-driven blogs abound. And what about all those cat shares from the Internet where … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Mischievous (Curious) Cats

I decided to dedicate one of my first blogs of 2017 to some of our more creative cats—those who manage to find trouble and dive into it head first. For example, my daughter’s cat—a newcomer to their home—decided to play … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – How to Choose the Right Toy for Your Cats

Most of us have introduced catnip toys to our cats. I’ve noticed that some cats react strongly to catnip and others…not so much. Evidently, just fifty percent of cats are turned on by catnip. If your cat doesn’t respond to … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Shocking Discoveries About Your Cat’s Purrsonality

Is your cat an extrovert or an introvert? I once wrote an article for Cat Fancy Magazine on how to choose the right cat for your household based on the cat’s personality. This week, I came across an article that … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Do You Judge a Cat by its Color?

Here are two things I thought I knew about cats: Calicos and tortoiseshell cats are feisty and even a bit ornery. And orange tabbies are docile and sweet. Not only is this incorrect, it’s labeling like this that can ruin … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – A Feline’s Favorites

Does your cat have a favorite toy, cat bed, place to sleep, hiding place, person, animal friend, visitor, treat? Did she get something for Christmas that she adores? Or did you get something for Christmas that she adores? I received … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – What People Will Do For Cats

There are hundreds of cat shelters across the nation and the majority of them are run on donations. I love hearing about some of the creative fund-raisers launched on behalf of these shelters. In Winthrop, Maine, for example, two men … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – No More Cats At Large

Do you miss your cats when you travel? I really like seeing cats out and about when I travel or simply lounging on a porch or sitting in a window. Sometimes you see a cat curled up in a basket … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—Christmas Was the Cat’s Pajamas

Lily, Sophie, and I trust that you and your feline friends came through the hustle-bustle of the holidays unscathed. In fact, let’s hope it was the cat’s pajamas. What does that mean? Those of you born after 1970 have probably … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday — Cat Eternal-A Poem

Cat Eternal She was deeply etched in Egypt’s ancient marble as oils of today are fluid in her image. She padded about the pyramids. She saunters gingerly now through the city’s clutter. Mau, man’s idol, was molded into powerful figures … Continue reading

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