Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – How the Heck Did the Cat Make it This Far?

I told you I wanted the book, “The Lion in the Living Room; How Cats Tamed Us and Took Over the World,” by Abigail Tucker. However, I came across an article this week by Alice Robb who writes for Science … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Are Cats Psychic?

We’ve all heard stories of pets that traveled great distances for one reason or another—usually to return home after being moved. Many of the animals who navigate on their own to find their way back to their families are cats. … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats Being Exploited

In October we talked about why cats are in danger around Halloween and why shelters rarely adopt out black cats close to that holiday. Likewise, shelter operators seldom adopt out kittens around Christmas and Easter because some of these purchases … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – It’s the Cat’s Whiskers

So what do we know about our cats’ whiskers, anyway? If you’re like me, you’ve heard that a cat’s whiskers are as long as their body is wide and this helps them to determine when a space is too small … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Could You Be a Victim of Cat Scratch Disease?

Ever heard of cat scratch disease or cat scratch fever? I think I had it once. I’d just received my flu shot and wham, a spot on my neck swelled up like crazy. Of course, doctors and pharmacists said the … Continue reading

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Wild (and sometimes crazy) Wednesday – Strange Behaviors in Cats Explained

I think we’ve all watched our cats engage in some sort of odd behavior and asked “Why do they do that?” Have you ever wondered why cats chatter when they see a bird outside the window? Why do they give … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Are You Sure You’re a Cat Person? Take the Quiz!!!

Yesterday we touched on cat people versus non-cat people. Here’s a quiz you can take to find out if you actually are a cat person. It’s kind of fun. It takes a few minutes, but it’s rather interesting. I learned … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Do Cats Have Feelings?

Before I get into today’s topic, I want to share a bit of information for those living in and around the Los Angeles area. A friend of mine became inundated with feral cats and decided she needed to do something … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Low-Cost Spay Neuter Clinics

Do you have a cat you can’t afford to have spayed or neutered? Does she need veterinary care? Maybe you know someone in your neighborhood who isn’t caring properly for their cats. Or you’re aware of a colony (gathering) of … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cats That Defy Death

Today, I want to report on results of a research study on aging cats and share shocking stories of cats who return from the grave. An article in Science Daily on aging cats caught my eye recently and I thought … Continue reading

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