Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – Keeping Up With Catscapades

I’ve been blogging for many years. I used to write a blog for authors. Since I’ve been writing the Klepto Cat Mysteries, my focus has been—you got it—cats. I’ve been blogging here at the Catscapades blog site since 2009. Over … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Hero Cats

We all love a good hero story and when it involves cats, they’re all the more intriguing. Here are a few that might warm your heart. Pudding went to work to save her human the very day she was adopted. … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Service and Therapy Cats

Could your cat become a service animal? While many professionals discount the idea of cats being trained as service animals, some seem to come by it naturally. Believe it or not, cats have been known to alert their owners when … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cool Cats

There’s probably not another creature in the universe who can become (or appear to be) as relaxed as the cat. However, is she really as relaxed as she seems? Just step into the room where she’s sleeping or make some … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Neighborhood Cats

I love my inside kitties and I advocate for cats to be loved inside the home—only to go out on a harness and leash or a cat-proof outdoor pen or catio. But I do enjoy seeing neighborhood cats out and … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats In Many Forms

We sure do love cats. Over thirty percent of households include a cat, or over thirty-six million households. We have an average of 2.1 cat per household, which is over seventy-four million companion cats. And International enterprise is noticing our … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Are Cats Truly Domesticated?

Wow! Who would have thought that in 2016, there would be a conference designed to study the DNA from over 200 cats that lived between 15,000 years ago and the eighteenth century A.D.? The truth is that researchers know little … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Every Month Should Be Happy Cat Month

We’re still celebrating Happy Cat Month. This event, created by the CATalyst Council and they remind us that a well cared for cat is a happy cat. And a happy cat is a valued cat. How many ways do you … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats that Serve in the Military

I thought this was an interesting focus on cats—there really are cats who work for the military and who help with moral. Check out the some of the cats of war, cats at sea, and military working programs involving cats. … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cats that Hoard

Yesterday we covered cat hoarders. Today, I want to talk about something a little lighter—cats that hoard. This was a fun study. Made me smile. I found cats that steal and hide chap stick, one that takes the dog’s toys … Continue reading

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