Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – Happy Cat Month

According to CATalyst Council, September is Happy Cat Month because a happy cat is a healthier cat. The CATalyst Council is a non-profit organization created of professionals in veterinary medicine, shelter/animal welfare, and related entities. Their mission is to make … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – A Jury of Cats

Today, for those of you who love dogs as well as cats, is National Dog Day. So if you have a dog or meet one in passing, give it an extra pat of affection. And if you don’t have one … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How I Inadvertently Sabotage My Poor Cats

Sometimes we are our cats’ worst enemy. They probably feel quite unloved when we stuff them in a carrier and haul them to the vet for a lot of poking, prodding, and sticking. And what about those times when we … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – How Smart is Your Cat?

I hope you are taking the time to check out some of the neat sites, interesting resources, updated information, delightful cat stories, etc. that I bring you Monday through Friday. While conducting research for the blog site this week, I … Continue reading

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Wild and Sometimes Crazy Wednesday – Affectionate Cats

The world loves a lover. But some people prefer cats with a more stand-offish personality—those that keep their distance. Others love a lap cat—one that will cuddle. And when you rescue, like most of us do, you never know what … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats That Come in Small Packages

We often say how cool it would be if a kitten would stay a kitten. They grow out of their kittenish ways so fast. In a matter of a few months, it’s hard to recall how tiny a kitten once … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Smarty Cats

I suppose all cat people consider their own cats exceptional. Some believe their cat is heads and tails above the rest. You know some of these people: They go through life either disliking or simply disinterested in cats until…Yes, until … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday — Exploring the Cloning Controversy

Yesterday we talked about cloning our pets. I think we’ve all had wonderful cats with maybe a few not so wonderful habits or idiosyncrasies, quirks, behaviors. I wonder if science will reach the point where they can isolate the beautiful … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Would You Clone Your Precious Pet?

They’ve actually gone and done it! A company called ViaGen Pets announced yesterday that they delivered the first American-born cloned puppy—a Jack Russell Terrier named Nubia. Evidently, ViaGen has been offering cloning services for livestock for over ten years. You  … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday–Cats on Patrol

What happens when you get up on a Monday morning and you don’t have a topic for your blog that day? What do you do when you didn’t take time over the weekend to outline a few potential blogs or … Continue reading

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