Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – Cozy Cats

Cozy Mysteries involving cats seem to be the rage these days. Men, women, and young adults all over the globe enjoy chilling on a summer day with light reading. And what can make even a mystery story more enjoyable than … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Inside Versus Outside Cats

Where do your cats live? I’d always had inside/outside cats until the year I bought Crystal—a Persian. Of course, she would be a totally inside cat. She was too pretty, expensive, and she lacked street smarts. After losing Crystal to … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Feeding Cats

In our household, feeding cats used to be a slam dunk. I’d sprinkle kibbles into a bowl—job done. Then Lily came to live with us. I couldn’t bear to serve this tiny tabby dry kibbles, so I found a store … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Should You Let Sleeping Cats Lie?

Don’t you just love the sight of a peacefully sleeping cat? Boy do they know how to relax. But they can come to attention and be fully alert at the drop of a hat or a shoe or even a … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – So You Think Your Cat’s Smart!

Kitty Lover News lists the 10 smartest cat breeds—among them are the Siamese, Abyssinian, Bengal, Singapura, Tonkinese, and Cornish Rex. We’ve all had smart cats and we’ve all seen our cats do what we consider smart things—either because they figured … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Where to go for a Little Kitty-Cat Love

We’ve told you about the Huffington Post’s cat section. I hope you’ve visited. Most recently, there were stories about a sweet cat who comforted a dog who was frightened of fireworks, and tips for how to tell if your cat … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday—Don’t Leave Me Behind

Some cats have a little or a lot of separation anxiety. There are things you can do to help calm and/or appease them (while lessening your own guilt for leaving them). Those sad eyes get me every time when Lily … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday—Cats At Work

  According to some sites, this is “Take Your Cat to Work Day.” Can you just imagine the chaos and distractions in a busy workplace should several employees bring their cats? Some of us work with cats in the office … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday—Cozy Cats

  We all know that cats are the epitome of creature comforts. More than any other animal, they know how to find their comfort zone and they will indulge in it wholly and completely every chance they get, whether it … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday–Educated Cats

My cat-a-day calendar today shares a cat curled up on a book with a caption about how smart some cats are. It says that kittens learn skills like hunting and grooming by watching their mother. According to this writer/researcher, cats … Continue reading

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