Category Archives: About Cats

Wild and Sometimes Crazy Wednesday—Home Decorating Around a Cat

Often we don’t think ahead when we decorate our home. We move in, happy with our surroundings, then decide to adopt a cat and realize we’ve done something wrong. Suddenly, you have a kitten climbing the drapes and clawing the … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—Is Your Cat a Water Baby?

Our cat sitters have told us that Lily has a drinking problem. She drinks a lot of water and has since she was a wee kitten. There’s a reason for this—she has kidney disease. She’s being treated through her diet … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday—House Cats Need More Exercise

This probably isn’t news to most people with indoor cats. In fact, when you see your cats trying to increase their activity, it may even upset you. Sure you want your cat to be healthy, but does he have to … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—Is Your Cat Happy?

Cats, perhaps more than any other animal, seem to express moods. Sure, there are those who claim cats are aloof, end of discussion. But when you’re privileged with a connection to a special cat, you know the truth. Cats have … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday—Where Does Your Cat Sleep?

My dad had a refrigerator magnet that said, “If you want the best seat in the house, move the cat.” Those of you with cats certainly know the truth in that quip. Cats are not shy about charting out their … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday—Cat Videos

How can we get crazier and wilder than yesterday? I mean, who dresses their cats? While researching yesterday, I came across some fun cat videos. Do you have a favorite? Here are some of the themes for cat videos; Cats … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday—Dressing Kitty

Do you dress your cat? Do you know anyone who does? It’s a sweet premise—the scenario of the little girl dressing her kitty and pushing him around in her doll buggy. That wasn’t me or my children. What about you? … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—Feline Friends

Most animals have enemies. Think of those attributed to the cat—dogs, coyotes, large owls, hawks, eagles, raccoons, wolves, and some other cats… But are these really natural enemies for all cats? Do cats naturally hate birds, lizards, mice and other … Continue reading

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Wild and Sometimes Crazy Wednesday—Remember When Cats Were the Bad Guys?

Even as a child, I disliked seeing cats in trouble. Yet, in so many cartoons, the cats were the bad guys, the villain, the character with the attitude, the most unlikable character on the screen. Remember Tom and Jerry, Si … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday—Good/Bad Foods for Your Cat

There are several schools of thought about feeding a cat. While most cat owners purchase over-the-counter cat food—canned and/or kibble—some feed only raw. Some cats are on prescription food diets for certain ailments—diabetes and kidney disease, for example. My grandmother … Continue reading

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