Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday—Happy Mother’s Day to Cat Moms

Don’t we love our kitties? They make every day Kitty-Cat Mother’s Day. Lily goes to bed with me and she’s always there eager for me to engage her when I open my eyes in the morning. She’s curled up on … Continue reading

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Bring Your Best Game Thursday—Choosing Just the Right Cat

We talk often about the differences in cats’ personalities and habits. And those differences are only, in part, related to the breed. Sure, some breeds have more tendencies to be calm, nervous, energetic, mellow, playful, affectionate, more dog-like, or vocal. … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesdays—Businesses That Cater to Pets

There’s no denying how important our pets are in our lives. And many business executives and entrepreneurs have noticed. It’s easier than ever to travel with pets as more and more hotels and RV parks welcome cats and dogs. There … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday—Cats in the News

I enjoy human interest stories involving cats. I’ll bet you do, too. Here are a few I found this week. Officials in a government office in New Mexico organized a sort of library for cats—where employees can check out kittens … Continue reading

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Bring Your Best Game Thursday—Finding Meaningful Phrases and Nest-Watching

When you read some of the Klepto Cat Mysteries, did you come across any phrases or quotes that struck you? I’m sometimes asked to share quotes from this series and I’m at a loss as to phrases that might be … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday—More Interesting Cat Holidays

We talked about National Tabby Day yesterday. This month we also observe ASPCA Prevention of Animal Cruelty and National Pet First Aid Awareness. Hairball Awareness Day is this week—either April 28 or 29, depending on which site you visit. And … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday—National Tabby Day

You wouldn’t think they’d need to create special days for cats. In your household isn’t every day special for your cats? Sadly, that isn’t the case for all cats. So companies and organizations do their best to create awareness in … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—Cats, Cats, Everywhere

How many things can be molded into a cat form? Is there anything in the marketplace today that doesn’t or can’t depict a cat? Personally, I have dozens of items representing cats. Sure I’ve purchased a few of them, but … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday—Library Cats

Today I’d like to share a few stories from my article files related to the library cat. Where do they come from? How do they get the job? Why do they stay instead of stray? How many library cats are … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday—Cats Who Work

While I was earning my living as a freelance article-writer, I happened across a fascinating topic—working cats. And I wrote a couple of articles featuring some of the working and library cats across the US. You probably know of a … Continue reading

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