Category Archives: About Cats

Newsday Tuesday—Cat Rehabilitation

There’s a boarding cattery in the UK that specializes in rehabilitation. Owner/operator, Sam, is an aromatics practitioner and Reiki healer who treats cats with everything from allergies to chronic cystitis and digestive disorders and even behavioral issues. If you have … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—A Tale of Two Cats

I shared this story in this blog seven years ago. First I posted this picture of Catalina—this adora-dorable kitten who would melt anyone’s heart. The following week, I introduced Pumpkin. Pumpkin is the same basic color as Catalina. He is … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday–Claws With a Cause

I remember on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, my children asking, “Why don’t they have a special kid’s day?” Of course, I’d tell them it’s because every day is kid’s day—kids are always the priority. Maybe you heard that yesterday … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday—Cats Gone Missing

I think we are all fascinated by stories of cats (and dogs) who go missing and find their way back home. A fan of The Incredible Journey, where two dogs and a cat make their way home after…well, an incredible … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday–Why Cats Take Things

I finally got it! A picture of Lily bringing me a sock. Does she do this because she knows I wear these cozy sock in the morning? Is it my scent on the sock that attracts her? Is it pure … Continue reading

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Bring Your Best Game Thursday—The Shot I’ve Been Waiting For

As I’m sure you know by now, I enjoy using my camera. I’ve taken a gazillion pictures of our cats, neighbor cats, birds and anything else interesting that I find in my travels. Our little tabby, Lily, has been one … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday—What They Say About Cats

Do you enjoy some of the cat sayings you find on plaques, note cards, pillows, coffee cups and other items? Do you have a favorite? Someone gave us a sign that says, “The more people I meet, the more I … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday–Where Cats Live

This is a repeat of a post I wrote six years ago. There are fortunate and unfortunate cats—the fortunate ones live in comfort with people who adore and pamper them. Less fortunate cats live under bushes, in drafty barns, under … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday—What’s Your Favorite Cat Type

While some people look at a cat and see a small creature with fur, sharp claws, and little distinction between them, those of us who adore cats notice every tiny difference. We recognize the variety in coat, eye shape, coloring, … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday—Cats in the News

It is estimated that fifteen percent of all Internet traffic is connected to cats. I guess that’s why such biggies as the Huffington Post actually has a link to their cat-related stories. If you love true cat stories, this is … Continue reading

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