Category Archives: About Cats

Bring Your Best Game Thursday—Look What You’ve Missed

I’ve been writing this blog for seven years this month. If you’ve just started following it, you’ve missed a lot. You might want to take time to check out some of the other posts. Most recently I’ve listed 27 other … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday–Changing Your Cat’s Behavior

Yesterday we had fun talking about cats and their thought processes. It’s obvious to those of us who have lived with cats for many years (or even a short time) that cats can figure things out. Michelle wrote that her … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—Can Cat’s Think?

Just how does a cat’s mind work? Do they think things through or do they rely totally on instincts? Are they a thinking being or is it all conditioning? When they take action (stalk a bird, go out through the … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday—Can Cats Cure Cancer?

Obviously, today’s topic isn’t all that frivolous—a cure for cancer in humans and animals is at the top of our medical priority list. How can our furry friends possibly cure cancer? I have two startling possibilities. One involves the bond … Continue reading

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Wild and Crazy Wednesday—Kitty-Cat Art

Does your cat dabble in art? Does she leave interesting paw prints in the dust on your coffee table, paw-paint your floor with water from her water dish, sprinkle kitty sand in unusual patterns around the litter box, shred paper … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday–Pet One Cat and Call Me in the Morning

Therapy animals are becoming more and more prevalent in our society. We’re all familiar with seeing-eye dogs, but now we also use animals for seizures, hearing, stress, emotional problems, social discomfort, and more. We use dogs and cats in education–to … Continue reading

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Bring Your Best Game Thursday–The Cat Controversy Continues

I didn’t even know there was a controversy—I’m quite sure other cat fiction authors and their readers didn’t either. I was contacted this morning by someone from National Public Radio, probably because of the article appearing in the Wall Street … Continue reading

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Wild and Crazy Wednesday—Fun Feline Facts

I get a lot of email related to cats—from members of the Cat Writers Association, friends, colleagues, fans, and others. I particularly enjoyed this one sent by the Cat Channel. It makes it pretty clear what a cat likes, right? … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday—Talking Cats Versus Silent Cats according to the Wall Street Journal

Rags, the Klepto Cat, made the front page of the Wall Street Journal today as one of the silent majority! I didn’t know there was a controversy between talking cats in fiction and ordinary cats until I got a call … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday—Cats Perform for Their Humans

Behaviorists say that cats do not meow when they’re alone or with other cats. This is not how they communicate with their kind. Their meows are meant only for their humans. Some say that when a cat meows, they’re simply … Continue reading

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