Category Archives: About Cats

Feline Fun Friday – New Cats in the Neighborhood

Olivia is an only cat, but she has cat friends who visit outside her favorite windows—there’s Larry, who actually comes to visit the birds we feed. Olivia loves to follow Larry from window to window–keeping a close eye on his … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – It’s Kitten Season

It’s definitely kitten season. The shelters are filling with unwanted kittens. You might see kids in front of grocery stores trying to give away kittens. Isn’t it a shame that too many people don’t think ahead and have their cats … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – National Siamese Cat Day

The first purebred cat I’d ever heard of was the Siamese. My grandmother had two or three of them over the years while I was growing up. I once adopted a cat with Siamese markings born to a couple of … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – The Hidden World of Cats

We all wonder what our cats do when we’re not looking—when we leave them alone in the house or when they go outside for an afternoon stroll. Well, an ultra-curious reporter decided to find out. She and a few friends … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – The Strange Things Cats Do

Cats are creative creatures. They can come up with some very interesting ideas, which is why we humans need to be ever-alert to what the cat is doing. Sometimes they can get themselves into serious trouble even inside the safety … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Respect Your Cat Day

Tomorrow is Respect Your Cat Day. Yeah, I’ve never heard of it either. Like you, I would hope that cats are respected every day of every year, but there’s certainly nothing wrong with giving your cat some extra cuddles, a … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Paper Wads and Other Non-Cat Toys

Does your cat choose her own toys? My cats have always enjoyed playing with my pens or paperclips, bobbins dangling from a knitting project I’m working on or the ball of yarn. Olivia likes twister ties and large plastic lids … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Cuddly Kitten Day

Tomorrow is Cuddly Kitten Day. Folks, you know what to do to celebrate this charming holiday. Yup, cuddle with your cats. For an added thrill, visit someone you know who has a kitten. This will surely make you smile. The … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – How Does Your Cat Handle Fear?

Cats have interesting ways of showing fear, reacting to fear, and handling fear. It seems to me that some of this is universal among cats. They arch their back and puff up to appear larger than they are and growl … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Saint Gertrude of Nivelles Day

Saint Gertrude of Nivelles was, among many other things, Patron Saint of Cat. Since her story is a long one and detailed and fascinating, I’m offering a link to it. Enjoy:  

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