Category Archives: About Cats

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday—Cats Know How to Relax

My dad once put a magnet on his refrigerator that said, “If you want the best seat in the house, move the cat.” Isn’t that one of the charms of your cats? They know how to make themselves comfortable. And … Continue reading

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Bring Your Best Game Thursday—Hidey Cats

I’m not running a contest today because I want to talk about something that happened with one of our cats last night. For years, we have kept our cats inside and they have been purrfectly happy, except for one little … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday—Show Off Your Cat

Cat Faeries has deemed February Tortie and Calico month. If you have a Tortie (Tortoiseshell cat) or Calico (a cat of 3 colors in patches, including white), send her picture to with this in the subject line: Calico/Tortie. Here’s … Continue reading

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Mindful Cat Monday—Cat Love

Did you remember your cat on Valentine’s Day? Perhaps you put her plate of cat food in a heart-shape when you fed her. Or you presented him with a new toy. Maybe you just spent more time scratching him behind … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday—Cats at Play

One of the things that endears us to cats is their playful nature. It’s a heartless individual who doesn’t smile when they see a kitten at play. But even an older cat will bat at an object or attack something … Continue reading

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Wild and Crazy Wednesday — Gone to the Beach

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Newsday Tuesday—How Much is That Kitty in the Window?

Are you a cat person or a dog person? Take this test to be sure: Here’s an interesting story about how cats have taken over the Internet. However, did you know that the report that 15% of the Internet … Continue reading

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