Category Archives: About Cats

Paws Up for Wednesday – Even Flowers Say CAT.

The first time I saw a flower arrangement depicting a cat was at a Cat Writers Association conference. I just thought that was the dearest thing and so creative. Since then I’ve seen other cat-related flower arrangement. Talk about something … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Is Your Cat Happy?

This is an interesting question. Of course when we love a cat, we want to think she is happy, contented, and feels safe in our home and in our presence. But how can you tell when your cat is happy? … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Unique Ways to Help Homeless Cats

Many people do what they can to help promote the characteristics of cats because they believe that to know a cat is to love a cat. And the more people who love a cat, the fewer cats are left homeless. … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday– International Rescue Cat Awareness

March is International Rescue Cat Awareness Month. This month you might consider familiarizing yourself with the good work that your local cat shelters do to save cats that need rescuing. Currently there are reported to be 3,500 animal shelters and … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Your Cat’s Favorite Sleeping Place

Is your cat a cozy sleeper or does she prefer sprawling on hard surfaces? Don’t you love seeing pictures of cats sleeping in unusual and usually quite cozy places—the laundry basket or amidst your knitting project, under the blankets in … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – World Spay Day

February is recognized as Spay/Neuter Awareness Month and the fourth Tuesday in February is World Spay Day. This is a good time to get your own pet spayed or neutered, and gather up those outside cats that hang around your … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – How Does Your Cat Eat?

Olivia is a finicky eater. She wants to graze on kibbles. Rarely will she eat a plate of canned food. This worries me and I weigh her  often to make sure she’s maintaining a good weight. Ten pounds. She always … Continue reading

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Paws Up For Wednesday – The Only Cat Syndrome

Is there such a thing? Does a single cat in a household suffer? Are they missing out on something valuable to their health and happiness? Well, I read an article recently saying that kittens that grow up in a home … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – How Does Your Cat Play?

If you’ve had as many cats as I have over the years, you know how different each can be. They have different petting tolerance needs and different styles of playing. Olivia does pirouettes all around the room on her back … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Addendum to Cat Grooming Post

Monday’s post was all about grooming your cat. You may have noticed we omitted some things from that lengthy post. There’s more to grooming a cat than taking care of that lovely fur. In fact, I know a woman who … Continue reading

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