Category Archives: About Cats

Feline Fun Friday – Cats in Cars

Most household cats have experienced the dreaded car ride. Not all cats hate car rides, but for most cat owners who must take their cat to the veterinarian or who move to a new location with a cat struggle physically … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Why You Don’t See Cats in Pet Stores

Pet sales in pet stores is a thing of the past in many states. In fact, more and more states are passing laws to prevent breeders from selling animals through pet stores. How many of you have bought a cat … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – The Cat That Changed America

Today I’d like to honor some of the world’s larger cats—in particular the cougar—in particular one cougar, P-22, as he is the cat that changed America (title of book and film—Tony Lee Moral) P-22 was born sometime in 2009 or … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Cat PURRdicaments

We hear about cats finding themselves in strange situations. I guess that’s where the saying about curiosity killing the cat comes from. I’ve heard of cats being closed in refrigerators, cabinets, car and truck engine compartments, and more. My daughter’s … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Life With Olivia

Cats are interesting pets. They are somewhat unpredictable, but also set in their ways. They’re also wonderful teachers. Every day with a cat is a new and interesting experience. Cats seem to excel at keeping their people on our toes. … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – How to Decorate for the Holidays Around Your Cat

I spent Saturday decorating for the holidays for the first time since 2019, which means it’s the first time that Olivia has seen Christmas decorations. She isn’t all that impressed, but she does seem a tad confused by it all. … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Is Your Cat Bored?

There are days when Olivia is the perfect writer’s cat. She hangs out with me part of the day—lounging on my desk, cuddling in my lap, batting toys around my office. Later, she might, go off and takes a nap. … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Living With Cats | 1 Comment

Paws Up for Wednesday – Why Do Cats Cross Their Paws?

I’ve had many cats over the years—some pure bred, but mostly mixed breeds of unknown backgrounds and I don’t recall any of them crossing their paws when they relaxed. Olivia, our two-year-old calico crosses her paws almost every time she … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – How Old is Old for a Cat?

Flossie, a partially blind and deaf tortie died recently in London at the age of almost 27 years. She held the Guinness World Book title of oldest living cat. However, further research shows that there have been cats reported to … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Adorably Quirky Cats

Most of the cats I’ve loved have had a quirky side. They had a habit that seemed un-catlike to me. I’ll bet you can say the same about the cats you’ve known. Some of them are amazing hunters, for example, … Continue reading

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