Category Archives: About Cats

Feline Fun Friday – Which Cats Are the Best Mousers?

Have you ever wondered if one breed of cat is a better hunter than another? Some say females are more eager and successful mousers. I’ve also heard that calicos make the best barn cats. Well, the topic came up as … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – The CATastic History of Cats in Colorado

Here’s another article I think you’ll enjoy—especially if you have ties to cats and to Colorado. It seems that people in Colorado—especially in the Denver area—love-love-love their cats. In fact it is told that the first cat café to open … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – What Does Your Cat’s Color Say About Her?

How important is a cat’s color? It depends. Some people prefer cats of a specific color or of a different color—they are fascinated by unusual shades and patterns on the cats they choose to spend time with. But what do … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Is Your Cat Lonely?

Some cats seem born to be an only cat. Others thrive with other cats around. In our household, I don’t recall ever having an only cat for more than a few weeks, until now. Olivia is an only cat. Some … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – What About the Grey Cat?

 Yes, they’re as ordinary as they seem—in color anyway. According to experts, grey is the most predominant cat color in North America. Now that’s a bit of trivia I didn’t know. And grey cats are not all mongrel cats. There … Continue reading

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Paws Up For Wednesday – A Happy Ending for a Beloved Black Cat 

I love this story of a cat lost and found—lost for two months in Calgary after a camping trip with his family. As the story goes, Mom-Jody and her son took Gustophe camping and he slipped away from them. They … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Halloween Cats

We see a lot of black cats associated with Halloween decorations—cats with pumpkins arching their back and appearing frightful, showing their teeth, and claws and we’ve heard of people harming cats this time of year. So I’m going to remind … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – National Cat Day – October 29

Lifestyle writer Colleen Paige has taken credit for establishing National Cat Day in 2005. Her stated mission: “To help galvanize the public to recognize the number of cats that need to be rescued each year and also to encourage cat … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Uncatlike Cats

Have you noticed that some of the cats that are supposed to be well-bred—those that win the highest awards in cat shows–tend to look very uncatlike. They’re so fluffy and furry that they look like a pillow rather than a … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Cats and Their Castles

Do your cats have cubbies? You know, a basket, shelf, box, compartment, little house where they like to hang out—away from the hustle-bustle of the household activity? Does she use the little cubicles on her cat tree to curl up … Continue reading

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