Category Archives: About Cats

Feline Fun Friday – NEW Calico Cat Mystery

Olivia flaunts her superpowers. Not only does the spunky calico join the crusade to help endangered cats, but she also lends a paw to others in need. No one knows what’s happening to the cats—why they’re disappearing, then showing up … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Lovely and True Cat Quotes

 I enjoy my Cat-A-Day calendar. I’ve even had some of my photos of cats published in the calendar. This year I guess my spectacular photo of Olivia didn’t make the cut. How can that be??? I enjoy the photos on … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Cats I Meet Along the Way

We all make cat friends—our own cats, but also other people’s cats, neighborhood cats and cats we meet along the way. This might include shop cats (in feed stores, pet stores, book stores, retail packing houses, nurseries, lumber yards, veterinarian’s … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Enrichment for Cats

Do you have a cat or two or…? Good for you. There are a lot of cats out there that need homes. Do you keep your cat indoors? That’s another plus on your side as indoor cats live longer than … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Freckled Cats

As you may know I include a lot of facts in my fiction stories. My writing goal is to teach, inform, entertain, inspire, and delight through my cozy cat mysteries. So I do a lot of research. One day I … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Secrets of the Serengeti Cat

Have you heard of the Serengeti cat? I thought it was another cat breed from the African serval, like so many of the exotics, but it is not. It is purely domestic and bred purposely to appear on the wild … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Cats and Their Quirks

Don’t try to deny that your cat doesn’t have interesting, strange, charming, annoying quirks. All cats do. In fact, you can love many cats over a lifetime and never have two with the same odd quirks. For example, we had … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday—New Cats on the Block

I can’t believe how many new cat breeds keep coming to the forefront. Have you ever heard of the Black Bengal? Wow! What a beauty. Here’s a site showing a Black Bengal kitten where the spots show through. Stunning. … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – September Cat Holidays

We’ve missed a lot of them, folks, so I thought I’d catch you up on how cats have been celebrated this month. It’s not too late in case you’d like to do something to observe some of these interesting “holidays.” … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – How to Get the Fire Department to Rescue Your Cat From a Tree

It’s common knowledge (or is it?) that your local fire department won’t come out simply to remove your cat from a tree. Some will under certain circumstances. Others will suggest that you call a tree trimming company or a company … Continue reading

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