Category Archives: About Cats

Meowy Monday – What Other Animal Does Your Cat Most Resemble

A couple of days ago Olivia and I watched a tree squirrel make his way along a power line from a pole to a tree. That squirrel was swishing his tail and pounding it all along the way. Swish-swish, bam-bam. … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – More Cat Cafés Opening World-wide

It appears that the cat café was not a passing concept. Not only are the numbers of cat cafés growing in the US and Japan, which was probably the second country to adopt the idea (Taiwan being the first known), … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday — Where You See Cats

If you’re like me you look for cats everywhere you go. Or at least you notice them when you’re out walking, driving, traveling, shopping. You see them in yards, lolling in windows of neighborhood homes, roaming in parks, outside restaurants, … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – National Hug Your Cat Day

This “holiday” comes once a year on June 4, but if you’re like me you celebrate it many times every day. A pet here, a fur-ruffling there…You run your hand over your cat’s silky fur every time you walk past … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Does Your Cat Know Her Name?

Olivia comes running (or strolling) almost every time I call her name. I say almost because, well, you know how cats are. They are predictable in that they’re not. If you read about cats, you may have noticed an increase … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Writing About Cats

What’s the big deal about cats? I don’t know, maybe you can tell me. For some of us, cats have always been a big deal. There’s just something intriguing about those furry, whisker-faced, dumplings. Who could have predicted, however, that … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – The Dreaded Cat Carrier

Grandma used to take her cat to the veterinarian in a pillow case. I have to wonder how many pillow cases were ruined in the process. I watch some of the veterinarian shows and see people bringing their cats to … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Olivia’s Becoming Socialized

Olivia was somehow separated from her mother at about eight-weeks old when she was rescued from under a house in the Los Angeles area, along (with her siblings). She was one frightened kitten—oh so frightened. She was trapped, taken to … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – National Hairball Awareness Day

All cats do it—they cough up hairballs—also known as tridrobezoars or bezoars. What are they, where do they come from, and why are we celebrating them? If you’ve had a cat for any length of time, you’ve probably found gooey … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Cats That Roam

You know how I like to collect photos of cats in nature and in the neighborhood out of doors, among plants, in trees, on fences, under cars, walking across the street, greeting me, avoiding me. I photograph cats peeking out … Continue reading

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