Category Archives: About Cats

Paws Up for Wednesday – CATastrophes and CATscapades

I woke up to a bathroom faucet running at full capacity one day last week. At first I thought I must have left it running after brushing my teeth the night before. I was so angry with myself. We’re in … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Living With Cats | 2 Comments

Meowy Monday – What’s Your History With Cats?

Is your family made up of cat people or dog people or anti-pet people? What about your friends? Obviously, you’re a cat person. Are your friends? Do you find yourself navigating toward other cat people? How often have you met … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Living With Cats | 1 Comment

Paws Up For Wednesday – Can a Cat Return Across the Rainbow Bridge?

In Monday’s post I hinted at the possibility that a cat we adopt might come with instructions from a cat we lost—or similarities of that cat. How often has a new cat in your home behaved in a way similar … Continue reading

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Feline Friday Fun – How to Entertain a Cat

Here’s a fun site featuring 5 different ways you can make play-time with your cat more fun. As you know, cats are creative beings. Just start bringing out your holiday decorations or wrapping paper and ribbon and you’ll witness more … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Cats Who Come Home For the Holidays

I told you about the sweet mackerel tabby that had found his way to our house big time recently. I mean, he was all over us and even sneaked inside a time or two when we were coming or going. … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Rescue | 2 Comments

Frivolous Friday – Intentional and Happenstance in Cat Photography

You know that I enjoy photography and I sometimes whine when I can’t get the shot I want with the cats. I guess photography is like everything else with cats, it’s all up to the cat—on the cat’s timeline, depending … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Photography, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Thoughts for Thursday – National Cat Lovers Month

December is National Cat Lovers’ Month. As the organizers say in their promo, this is the month when we have the opportunity to honor the beauty, smarts, and sass of our feline friends. And this month there might be a … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Your Cat’s Body is Talking

Do you know what your cat is saying to you? I imagine you know her cues for when she wants food, your spot on the couch, or attention. One of our former cats, Winfield, always checked his kibbles bowl before … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats That Come Hungry

We had visits from a new cat over the weekend. A handsome boldly-striped tabby stopped by for a little food and a lot of petting. Does this happen where you live? It doesn’t happen to us very often, but it … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Thoughts for Thursday – Happy Thanksgiving

Enjoy your day and remember to keep your cats safe—no turkey bones or anything chocolate, oniony, or garlicky—which often includes the stuffing. Just about the safest part of the Thanksgiving dinner for your cats is bits of the turkey meat … Continue reading

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