Category Archives: About Cats

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats at Work

Yesterday we talked about alleviating stress in cats, today I’d like to explore the concept of cats as stress relief for us. I don’t know about you, but I smile when I see a cat on facebook, on the street, … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Stress Release for Cats

Sometimes our cats get stressed—a stranger comes to visit, they’re taken to the vet against their will, a noisy truck rumbles past the house, an alarm sounds, another cat walks through the yard or someone they know and trust leaves … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Have You Ever Been Chosen By as Cat

Many of us embrace a cat that shows up on our doorstep or that reaches out to us as we walk past their pen at a shelter. I’ll bet you have a story of at least one cat that chose … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – My Cat-Your Cat

Do you share a cat? I’ve learned over the years that cats develop a different relationship with each person in a household. A cat might closely bond with one person and tolerate the others. She may entice one family member … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats in the Strangest Predicaments

Did you see the viral image of the cat who got stuck in the potato masher? It’s one of those hand-held mashers that one could never imagine being a problem for a cat, unless the cat has the capacity to … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – How Imaginative is Your Cat?

I read a lot of stories and articles about cats because I’m interested in cats and because I enjoy sharing new concepts and fascinating cat tales with you. I love it when someone sends me a story, and I can … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – The Cat’s Claw

I think we all love the cat’s paw. They’re cute the way they flex and touch. Those little toes are adorable and the “beans” so cute. I like the brown beans on a white paw. It happens. My snow-shoe/Himalayan-type cat, … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Chimera Cat

Have you seen cats with a split face—half orange and half black, for example, or half black and half white? There may even be cats with a face that is half mottled and half tabby. Hmmm, I wonder??? I’ve seen … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday—Cats in Unusual Places

Have you heard about the cats in the forefront of a mayoral race in New York City this year? One of the candidates, known for many things, including his propensity for rescuing cats, used some of those cats in his … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—Working With Cats

A whole lot of us got a dose of working from home last year–some companies have continued the work-at-home style for those employees that do well with it. I’m used to it. I’ve almost always worked at home and that’s … Continue reading

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