Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – Why So Many Cats With White Tummies?

Olivia has a gorgeous fluffy white tummy that I love to tickle when she displays it during one of her yoga stretches. She prefers, however, that I keep my hands off her delicate tummy, so mostly try to I comply. … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Who is Olivia Today?

Hey, that might be a good title for one of her books. You may have noticed that so far I’m using Olivia’s name in the titles for the Calico Cat Mysteries. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Feline Feeding Frenzy

I’ve learned a lot over the years about cats and their traits and preferences. It’s been an interesting and enjoyable journey. One thing that was always fairly straightforward with all of the cats I’ve loved is their eating habits. You … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Houses for Cats

Cats have good instincts for the most part—and those who live in the elements must develop excellent instincts or they won’t survive the seasons, the storms, the drought, and the lack of food. In our world there are many homeless, … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Genetic Red Flags in Cats

Earlier this week we talked about cat breeds from all over the world—some of them are derived from mutations and forced breeding experiments. What happens when we aren’t careful with breeding programs or when we exploit a mutation? We can … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday –We Love Funny Cats

First, I’d like to announce that Book 53 of the Klepto Cat Mysteries is available now in both print and Kindle versions. I think you’ll enjoy this lively and fun and suspenseful story where Rags Gets the Upper Paw. Oh … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats From Every Corner of the World

I came across a domesticated cat I don’t think I’ve written about here because I don’t remember hearing about it before. This cat is thought to have come from the wild forest cat of Russia and they call it Ussuri. … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cat Food Made From Bugs? For Real?

It’s true, even some well-known pet food companies are making eco-friendly cat food from insects. Well, they tried feeding cats a vegetarian diet and that didn’t go over too well. Cats need protein. When scientists discovered that certain insects are … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats Can Survive the Darndest Things

Did you read about the amazing cat, Binx, who survived the collapse of the Surfside building? There he was, probably sleeping peacefully in his apartment with his family on the 9th floor, when all heck broke loose and he found … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Conversations With Your Cat

We’d all like to know more about our cats—what they’re thinking, why they do the things they do, what their lives were like before we met them, what they’re afraid of and why. Animal communicator, Ann Marie Hoff, can help … Continue reading

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