Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday – Is Your Cat Sensitive to Vaccines?

After years and years of having cats and getting them vaccinated without incident, some of my most recent cats have had reaction to the vaccines. I wonder why? Are they changing the vaccine ingredients, are our cats more sensitive? Olivia … Continue reading

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Wild (and Crazy) Wednesday – Happy Cat Month

Today is the first day of Happy Cat Month. This “holiday” was established primarily to help spread awareness and education about the health, welfare, and importance of companion cats. If you’re like most devoted cat parents, you know exactly how … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – How Do Cats Recognize Us

As you know I spend my days writing stories involving interesting cats in all sorts of situations—funny, hilarious, crazy, frightening, harrowing, suspenseful, unusual—we’ve got ‘em all. Last week, as I was writing a scene where Rags was reunited with a … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

We missed Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day—the day dedicated to remembering our pets that have gone over the Rainbow Bridge. Remembrance Day was Saturday—August 28 this year, but if you’re like most adoring pet owners, a day doesn’t go by that … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cat Poop Coffee

Cats bring much into our life. They’re givers. Well, let’s backtrack here—yeah, most cats are a bit needy and they demand things their way, but you can’t deny the joy they bring you, right? Did you know that some cats … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – The Great Cat Food Shortage of 2021

OMG, what else can go haywire in this century? Now there’s a cat food shortage. Have you noticed it? Are you having trouble getting your cats’ favorite food? We are. We can’t get enough of it at the grocery store … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats of a Different Color and Design

Those of us who follow social media sites are often treated to photos of cats with beautiful, unusual, striking, and even embarrassing markings. Guess what, I found a site featuring 10 such cats. Have you ever seen a cat with … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Another Cat Saves a Human Life

Last week we talked about cats that save lives. Here’s another such story. Recently in England, an 83-year-old woman went missing. Search crews and neighbors looked everywhere for her, but it was her black cat, Piran who saved the day … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cats in the Library? Yes, Please!

I’ve shared stories here before of working cats and library cats. I think we all find this concept fascinating. Don’t you enjoy walking into a library, a bookstore, a pet store, or a veterinary hospital, etc. and seeing a cat … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats That Help Others

A friend sent me this link where I met Truffles, a gorgeous cat who works at a place called A Child’s Eyes in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. She helps kids feel more confident when it comes time for them to wear glasses … Continue reading

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