Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts For Thursday – Strange Cat Breeds

I saw a photograph of an Amikoshi Oriential cat for the first time this week. Interesting—kind of cute. But then it’s a cat and cats are cute. For fun I found a site featuring strange breeds of cats and they … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday — Black Cat Appreciation Day

Black Cat Appreciation Day was established in 2011 to help bring attention to the many beautiful black cats that are overlooked by those seeking to adopt from a shelter or purchase from a breeder. It’s true, black cats are the … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cats in Trees

First I’d like to thank Lori at Escape With DollyCas for arranging Olivia’s amazing blog tour. She kept us hopping from stop to stop. We had fun and, yes, book sales were up. Thank all of you who participated and … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday — Our First Trip Away From Olivia

We took a little trip recently—to help celebrate a wonderful woman’s 100th birthday. Wow!!! She’s the first centenarian I’ve ever known  and how nice that she’s also a good friend. We’ve traveled together, walked many miles together, laughed together, and … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Living With Cats | 1 Comment

Frivolous Friday – Olivia is Making Friends

The year-long isolation is over. We can now invite vaccinated friends and family into the house. We had to wait until she was a year old, but we can now start socializing Olivia. Oh we had people come to the … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Should You Feed Your Cat Greens?

What do people give the grandmother/great-grandmother, elderly neighbor/friend for birthdays and other occasions? Plants and flowers. I love them, but as soon as I receive them I go to the internet and look that particular plant or flower up to … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How Do You Deal With All That Fur?

I love furry-fluffy cats. For me it’s “what’s the point of a cat if it doesn’t have a lot of luxurious fur?” As those of you with cats know, with fur comes challenges and most of them have to do … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday–What’s Your Cat’s Body Type?

Even though a cat is a cat, their purr-sonality and body type can vary rather dramatically. There’s more when it comes to cat differences than the color and length of the cat’s fur and the shape of her face. I … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday– When the Things We Do to Our Cats Hurt US More Than it Hurts Them

I think you know what I mean…we accidentally step on the cat’s tail or paw when she’s underfoot. Breaks my heart! Your cat tumbles off a table and looks at you like it was all your fault. She won’t even … Continue reading

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ild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – What About Those Crossed Paws

Some cats, in particular the Siamese breed, have crossed eyes. But what’s up with the crossed paws. Olivia almost always crosses her paws when she lies down. It’s rather charming, don’t you think so? I’ve heard from others with calicos … Continue reading

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