Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday – Cats Making Friends

Does your cat have an animal friend? Some cats seem to have invisible friends. Have you ever watched your cat play, dart, dodge, leap and swat at something unseen? I’ve often wondered if Olivia has an invisible friend. She has … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Funny Cats

How many times a day does your cat (or cats) make you laugh? There’s no doubt that cats are comical—little comedians. They play, they leap, they curl up and stretch in interesting positions, hide out, interact with other cats and … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats in Advertising

We know how popular cats are since the advent of the internet, but did you know that cats were used in advertising all sorts of things long before YouTube and FaceBook? Here’s a photo of a poster in my office … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – National Take Your Cat to Work Day

I don’t know why I have so many dates on my calendar wrong this year. Is it a pandemic thing? I’m usually careful to transfer dates from one calendar to the other at the beginning of each year. When I … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Does Your Cat Negotiate With You?

We all know that cats are probably the most manipulative animals around. They are experts at using their wiles to get their way. If that doesn’t work, they might try laying a guilt trip on you. Cats have been known … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – How Has the Pandemic Changed Your Pets?

There have been many reports throughout the last year and a half about the effect of the pandemic on our household pets. Can they catch and spread COVID? Should you touch your cat or dog if you have COVID? Have … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Where’s Your Cat’s Comfort Zone?

Is your cat a hidey cat or does she love having visitors? Is she used to the vacuum cleaner and the mop, or does she still skitter away when they come out? Will she snuggle in your lap when you … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday—What Has Your Cat Done For You Today?

Here’s another blast from the past. I posted this in March of 2009—yes, a dozen years ago. There’s nothing quite as comforting and joyful as hugging or petting a cat. Experts say that just being around a cat can lower … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Your Cat’s Signature Move

As we discussed recently in a post, all cats come with unique and charming traits and may develop some interesting habits. I’ve known dozens of cats—each with something different about them. You probably have, too. I’ve shared a lot here … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Have You Heard of the Chinese Mountain Cat?

In recent days, a team of researchers from China, Malaysia, Russia, and the US learned something new about cats. The domestic cat does not share any DNA with the Chinese Mountain Cat. I hadn’t even heard of the Chinese Mountain … Continue reading

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