Category Archives: About Cats

Newsday Tuesday – New Strategy for Unwanted Cats—Let Them Go

Many cities throughout the US have adopted a new program called SNR (Shelter, Neuter, Release). Instead of keeping stray and surrendered cats in shelters or euthanizing them, agencies in CA, MI, CO, FL and other states are returning them to … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – The Way of the Cat

We love our cats, admire them, baby them, become frustrated with them, and sometimes don’t understand them at all. But if we pay attention, there’s actually a lot we can learn from our cats. Even the things they do that … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – The Material Cat

Actually I want to talk about the materializing cat—the cat who just seems to appear out of nowhere. Do you have such a cat? We do. Her name is Olivia. She has the ability to move from here to there … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Silly Cat Day

What silly things does your cat do? Just about every cat I’ve known brought something new and different to the household, and I’d say that all of those cats had a silly bone. Be in a cat’s presence for long … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats Predict the Darndest and Most Critical Things

Can cats predict the future? Many cats have been accused of it. Is this a supernatural fete, a myth, or can cats actually foresee things that are about to happen? Here’s a site featuring seven things cats are known to … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – How Many Ways Do You Love Your Cat?

If your household is like ours, you’re probably constantly making concessions for your cats. Just now, I stopped working on this blog post for several minutes while Olivia stood on my lap (in the way of my keyboard) insisting (in … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday –How to Socialize the Cats of 2020

We’ve started the socialization of Olivia—who was born in May of 2020 and has lived in isolation with us ever since. She knows other people only through the window, and she prefers them at a distance. A figure at the … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Where Does Your Cat Sleep?

We play a game around here sometimes called, “Where’s Olivia.” I’m considering that as a title for an upcoming book featuring our precocious calico. Like so many cats, she hides. I’m sure this is a trait handed down from her … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Enrichment for the Indoor Cat

Many of us keep our cats indoors only. Some provide outdoor enrichment through harness and leash-training or an enclosed catio. But for many indoor cats, their only experiences beyond the confines of the house are views from the windows and … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – How Do We Cope With the Loss of a Beloved Cat?

Anyone who embraces a cat will suffer loss. The fact is that we outlive our cats. We know it and we still rescue them, bring them into our homes and our hearts, and love them with everything we have. When … Continue reading

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