Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – Those Whiskers!

Cat lovers go gaga over a nice set of long cat whiskers. And some cats sure have them. Whiskers are an interesting part of the cat, but did you know that they’re also important? Some call whiskers kitty-radar. Here are … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Gourmet Cat

There are many choices in cat food these days. Just step into a pet store to buy a can or bag of cat food and your mind will be boggled. There are shelves and shelves of cat food to choose … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cat Heroes

Some cats sometimes live on the edge like Smokey, who used to hide on the highest shelf in the garage or the poor kitty below who’s tail is in danger. You may remember me reporting on a couple of people … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Over-the-Top Strange Cat Behavior 

Where do we begin? First we must determine and agree upon what is strange behavior for cats. Last week we talked about adventuring cats. Obviously not all cats would enjoy going on a hike or clinging to a surfboard as … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cats and Horses and Birds and…

I just read a fun article about how similar cats and horses are. In my Klepto Cat Mysteries, Rags, the starring cat, is great friends with the starring horse, Peaches. And that isn’t totally unusual. Our family used to own … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Adventure Cats

We’ve shared stories here of swimming cats and canoeing cats. My Klepto Cat Mysteries include stories of cats riding horses, hiking, and engaging in other outdoor activities. Just last week I watched a cat enjoying a day at the beach … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cats In Windows

If you’ve followed this blog for long you know I’m fascinated by the vision of cats in windows. I love watching Sophie lay on the windowsill on sunny mornings soaking up the warmth. Olivia will sometimes entertain herself chasing a … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats Out and About

You know by now how I enjoy carrying my camera while I’m out walking. I often photograph cats. Cats in a window are a favorite of mine, but I have to be careful about aiming a camera toward the window … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – A Cat By Any Other Name

Do you wonder sometimes how your cat knows her name? You know that she (or he) does because the right cat in a multi-cat household generally responds (at least by a quick look) when they hear their name. Sometimes they … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cats of a Different Color

We talked about the peacocks of the cat world last week—the calico and the tortie. While researching for those posts I came across a site I thought you’d be interested in. Anyone with a quirky cat or who has questioned … Continue reading

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