Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – The Quirky and Sweet Purrsonality of the Calico Cat

We talked about the calico cat earlier in the week. I find it fascinating that even though calico is not a breed, but a color, and calicos are not related in any sort of gene pool, they still share a … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How to Feed a Cat

One thing cats like to do is mess with you at feeding time. At least some cats do. Feeding time can be a challenge—especially when you bring in a new cat or kitten or you have numerous cats. I signed … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – The Calico Cat

You see a lot of photos here of calico cats—most predominantly, lately, photos of Olivia. Isn’t she a beautiful specimen of a calico? Sophie, who most people would immediately identify as a tortie (tortoiseshell) is technically a calico. Despite the … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats in Trees

We talked about cats in boxes yesterday—another charming vision is cats in trees. I often photograph cats in trees as I walk the neighborhood and hike through a wilderness area. Just watch a cat in a tree. It’s as if … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cats in Boxes

Is there anything as cute as seeing a cat peering at you from inside a box? She may be in full view, but she sits there as if she thinks she’s invisible. She’s sitting in a box, after all, so … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – How to Pet a Cat

If you’ve had cats for any length of time you know that they have their preferences and their objections in the way you interact with them. While one cat adores attention—it’s “all hands on me,” others may shy away when … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Lost and Found Cat…and More

We all take strict precautions to keep our cats safe. A huge fear for many of us is that our indoor cats will get out and that our indoor-outdoor cats will not come home at the end of the day. … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Winter Housing for Feral Cats

 I read this week that if you’re preparing houses for feral cats this winter—in particular where it freezes—you should not use blankets in the house. Use straw instead. Evidently blankets tend to freeze in icy temps, defeating your efforts to … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cats in Hiding

I’ve been going through my cat photos—boy are there a lot of them. Many are still on the computer and I haven’t used them in the blog yet. I spent time this week going through them and they helped me … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats in the Bathroom

One reason some some people won’t take in a cat or keep a cat indoors where she’s safe is  because of litter box hassles. I used to say, “I’d love to live at the beach, except for the sand in … Continue reading

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