Category Archives: About Cats

Newsday Tuesday – I’m Not Fat, I’m Fluffy

Isn’t it enough that we must constantly monitor our own weight and changes in the toning and flabbing of our own bodies? But no, we must also be watchful when it comes to our cats’ weight. Are they eating enough—too … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – From Kitten to Cat

Those of us who have adopted a kitten are often stunned when we wake up one morning to find that the tiny pipsqueak we brought home now takes up half the bed. She has grown practically overnight. All you have … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Natural Remedies for Cats

Did you know that catnip—the herb of choice for most cats—can also ward off mosquitoes? Do cats know this? Evidently birds have a clue—some species will rub against citrus fruits in order to discourage insect pests. I recall putting eucalyptus … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – New Technology a Danger to Cats

I have experienced it myself—suddenly realizing a car was approaching in a parking lot or on the street, but not having heard it behind me. It’s those darn, quiet electric cars. Especially on a freshly paved roadway, where car tires … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats That Find Their Way Home

We hear about a missing cat resurfacing after being gone for weeks, months, even years. We read about cats traveling great distances to return home. And we wonder what happened to that cat in the interim. Great movies like Homeward … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – What’s Your Cat’s Weirdest Habit?

One of the charms I adore about cats is the habits they develop and the way they display those habits and discard them. Oh yes, one thing that’s certain about cats is that you can’t take anything for granted. As … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – How to Photograph a Cat

We’ve all tried to capture fun, sweet, and beautiful moments with our cats and sometimes we get some great photos. Most of them, however, might as well go in the trash or be deleted from our phone or camera. Here’s … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Your Cat Style

I love the long-haired cats. I like those with a cobby body, round heads—those that carry a kittenish quality into adulthood. Some people prefer the sleeker variety of cat. While some appreciate talkative, active cats, others prefer quiet, relaxed breeds. … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—Cat Eternal;a Poem

Last week I shared with you a little history from Paul Koudounaris’s (and his cat, Baba’s) book, A Cat’s Tale, a Journey Through Feline History. Today I want to share a poem I wrote for a class assignment many years … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – The Cat’s Meow

Cats come in all colors, styles, temperaments, and personalities. Some are absolute purring machines while others seem to have no purr mechanism at all. Our sweet tabby, Lily, didn’t learn to purr until she was around six years old. Cats … Continue reading

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