Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – Dress Your Pet Day

It comes around every year—Dress Your Pet Day. Do you comply? Does your cat or dog or horse or ferret appreciate you squeezing them into silly dresses and shirts and plopping hats on their head or glasses on their nose? … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – It’s All About the Cat

Think about it, when do you get the most attention from your cat? When she wants it, right? I finish my day’s work, maybe take care of a few household chores, and prep for our dinner in the late afternoon … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – The Cats of Russia

Russia is said to have the highest cat ownership in the world—57 percent of the population there have cats. The ownership of cats in the US is at around 43 percent—depending on where you locate your statistics. I thought Japan … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday — Cats in the Work Force

I’ve been reading Paul Koudounaris’s (and his cat, Baba’s) book, A Cat’s Tale, a Journey Through Feline History. Very interesting—a beautiful book full of a fascinating history of the cat as told by Baba, who has an incredible mastery of … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Olivia’s Evil Paper Scare

Olivia had a scare last week. She found herself being followed by an evil post-it note. It had somehow attached itself to her bushy tail and everywhere she went it went no matter how fast her little legs scurried up … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Just for Laughs

If you’re still trying to get your bearing in this new year—wondering how it’s going to pan out for you and your beloved family and friends and cats…If you’re feeling a little shell-shocked by what happened last year and are … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats in Snow

You might shudder upon seeing a cat out in the snow. I do. Well, in pictures. I don’t actually live in the snow—never have. But it just doesn’t seem right to leave a cat out in the snow. However, some … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday — The Philosophical Cat

I’m excited about my new Cat-a-Day calendar. It’s always fun to turn a page on a calendar. Once a month is nice. It’s especially becoming quite a production to tell one month good bye and welcome a new one with … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday—Help! My Cat Makes Me Sneeze

It happens, you simply adore cats or dogs or horses or hamsters or even birds, and find out that you’re allergic to them. What to do? Should you deprive yourself of the joy of having the pet of your dreams? … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats in the News in 2020   

You probably read that the oldest cat on record died this year. Rubble, who resided in England with his family, lived to be 31 years old. But cats were saved this year, too. One cat was rescued moments before entering … Continue reading

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