Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday –Thanksgiving No-No’s for Cats

Well, you don’t have to worry about Uncle John feeding your kitty turkey bones or something toxic such as a slice of chocolate pie, this year at Thanksgiving. You’re probably doing as we are today and enjoying a uniquely small … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – These Paws Are Made For…

Don’t you love the cat’s paws? They’re cute and they’re rather fascinating the way they work, the things they do, the damage they cause…Oh, well, let’s don’t go there. Have you ever had a cat indoors that didn’t contribute to … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – How to Bond With a Cat

So you want to build a bond with a special cat. What’s the first step? Probably understanding a little about cats and your cat in particular. Yeah, you can do a DNA test to find out why she does some … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – What Can’t a Cat Do?

First, an announcement: The Kindle version of Book 48–A Whisker of Doubt–is now available for your ereader. ENJOY! A skateboarding cat? A surfing cat? A hiking cat? A bicycling cat? Is there anything these days that a cat isn’t willing … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Olivia’s Cat-DNA Report

I told you that I sent Olivia’s swab to BasePaws Cat DNA testing. Well, I have received the report, and it’s very interesting. I learned that there’s some Maine coon in her heritage make-up as I suspected, also American shorthair … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat resources | 1 Comment

Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Learn Cat-Speak

If you’re a crazy cat-lady or guy (and remember, this is no longer a derogatory term), boy do I have a holiday gift idea for you. It’s called MeowTalk. It’s a device that changes your cat’s mew into words you … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Things You May Not Know About the Black Cat

According to some, today is National Black Cat Day and I’m taking this opportunity to honor the black cat and to share some interesting facts about these beauties. We now have two mostly black cats—Sophie, a tortie and Olivia a … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Aren’t Cats Supposed to Cuddle?

A major reason we adopt a cat is for the comfort they can bring and for most of us a big part of that is the cuddle-snuggle factor. Right? But the truth is that cats aren’t necessarily snuggle-cuddle beings. Remember, … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Living With Cats | 2 Comments

Thoughts for Thursday – Do Cats Grieve?

As you know, we lost a precious fur-baby this year. We have Olivia now and we love her dearly. She’s such a bright spot in our life. But how I miss Lily. Yes, still. There’s no duplicating or replacing a … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Listen to Your Cat

Having a kitten in the house—well, now I guess Olivia’s considered an adolescent—I’ve become interested in the sounds they make. Olivia is six months old and she still uses her squeaky kitten sounds sometimes with me, but I also notice … Continue reading

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