Category Archives: About Cats

Newsday Tuesday – New Products for Cats

Technology and innovation is advancing to the point that you can have a cat without ever lifting a finger to care for her. I say, then what’s the point of having a cat? The only alternative care apparatus I haven’t … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Clumsy Cats

Olivia lives on the edge. And sometimes she tumbles off that edge. I still chuckle recalling the morning she rolled off my desk into the trash basket below. Of course, she seemed a bit humiliated, but I have to tell … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Copy Cat

Does your cat often watch you? Do you see her staring at you as you read, putter in the kitchen, dust, comb your hair, sleep…? Cats stare. That’s what they do. But are they really interested in what you’re doing … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Celebrated Cats

The advent of the Internet has certainly brought us closer to understanding and appreciating cats. Some of us, however, have always been nutty about cats. And we certainly adore seeing all of the sweet and humorous videos and photos of … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Been to the Veterinarian Lately?

In honor of National Senior Pet Month, I’d like to share a little about the veterinarian’s role throughout this pandemic. I notice when I visit our veterinarian, there are signs out front referring to them as heroes. They are in … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Health | 1 Comment

Frivolous Friday – Pussy-Cat PAWlitics

We’re close to election day and candidates and their teams have been planning and campaigning and stressing for months. The candidates having the most fun, however, are those that wear fur. I introduced you to Juno, the klepto cat who … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Helping Your Cats to Chill

Sure the past seven months have been rough—more than 8 months for us since I was sick almost the entire month of February. But who’s counting? Probably all of us, and we wonder when will it end? We’re eager to … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – It’s Snuggle-With-Your-Cats Weather

It’s that time of year, when your cat is more apt to join you in your favorite chair or cuddle with you on the sofa. They might even opt to curl up in their own cozy beds instead of the … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – We Get Klepto Cat Fan Mail

October has been a good month for fan mail. This happens occasionally. I get an email from a reader telling me how much they enjoy reading about Rags, how they wish I would write faster as they are so intrigued … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats and Drama

Of all God’s creatures, the cat is probably the most dramatic. As an end-of-week gift to you, I thought you’d enjoy a chuckle. Just for fun, here’s a site where you’ll see pictures of 25 overly dramatic cats. Enjoy!! … Continue reading

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