Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – Conversations With Cats

We all use mind-talk with our cats. If you don’t believe it, consider this: How often do you just think about getting up and fixing your cat’s supper or offering a treat and all of a sudden your cat becomes … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Sauntering on the Wild Side

The more we observe our cats the more we can see their wild side. Right? Well, this isn’t too unusual when you consider that your Fluffy or Tigger shares 95.6 percent of their DNA with the tiger. But there are … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats in the Courtroom

In my Klepto Cat Mystery books Rags (the cat) often solves a crime or unravels a mystery. He’s been an eye-witness, he’s been part of a lineup, he has pawed a culprit, and he has discovered important evidence. But the … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – What’s in a Cat’s Name

First let me announce that Meowing in the Moonlight, Book 47 of the Klepto Cat Mystery series is now available in BOTH print and Kindle at How do you choose a name for your cat? Do you stockpile names … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The First 75 Days With Olivia

This is day 75 with Olivia. This is the picture that pulled at my heart and caused me to say “YES! We want her.” As many of you know, we lost our precious Lily on May 17th.  She was only … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cute and Clever Cat Quotes

Do we ever tire of seeing pictures of cats and reading stories and quotes about them? I don’t. Here are a couple of quotes I stumbled upon these past months: “There was a sound between them. A warm and contented … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – What’s a Clowder of Cats?

Have you ever heard of a clowder? That’s the correct term for a group of cats. Also used are cluster, clutter, destruction of cats and pounce of cats. Of course there’s a litter of kittens and a colony of feral … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats and the Corona Virus

This is not a topic any of us who adore animals, especially cats, wants to discuss, read about or know about. Yet the question and the concern exists. Evidently cats can contract the virus. Antibodies have been found in several … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Introducing the Calico

The calico cat is sometimes referred to as the peacock of cats and for good reason. Just look at the array of colors in their fur and some of them certainly strut their stuff. Calico is not a breed, but … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – That Cat Stare: What Does it Actually Mean?

Do you ever catch your cat just sitting across the room, on the coffee table in front of you, or on the floor at your feet just staring into your face? Does this make you uncomfortable? Do you wonder, what … Continue reading

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