Category Archives: About Cats

Mindful Monday – Celebrating the Cat

International Cat Day was observed Saturday, August 8, this year all over the world with the primary purpose of honoring the 2nd most popular household pet—the cat. Here in America we enjoy and care for over 74 million cats in … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Olivia Joins Me in My Office

I think most writers consider their cats to be office helpers, even though there are times when you most definitely need to close the office door to an overly zealous cat or kitten. Olivia experienced my office for the first … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats With Followers

This is day 6 with Olivia and she already has followers and cheerleaders interested in her, excited that she has been rescued and is being cared for, and  eager to hear about her progress. Some are waiting for her to … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cats Favorite Hidey Holes

Since the domestic cat still shares over 95% of their DNA with tigers, it isn’t surprising that they have a tendency to want to hide out and blend in sometimes like a big cat will do in the wilds. Where … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – National Feed a Rescue Pet Week

Everyone is struggling to some degree this year. While many of us are at least able and willing to shelter at home and take extra special care of our cats and dogs, this scenario isn’t universal. Thousands—dare I say millions—of … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats in High Places

Cats in trees is just about as common and traditional as kittens and cream, puppies and children, Lady and the Tramp… In fact I often stop to photograph a cat climbing a tree when I’m out and about. I also … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Things I Learned From My Cat

Nine more days until I meet my new kitty, Olivia. And I’m preparing in every way. Yesterday I talked about what to expect when you bring a new cat into your home. You may have had cats most of your … Continue reading

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Wild (And Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats, Masters of Change

Have you ever noticed how much a newly adopted cat can change your household and even you?  That’s because each cat comes with a different personality, traits, habits, and activity level. What can you expect to change? Practically everything. Your … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats as Healers

Those of us who clean litter boxes every day, wipe up urfed fur balls, endlessly vacuum and sweep and dust cat fur and litter, also receive wonderful benefits of having cats around. We love watching them, interacting with them, snuggling … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Hilarious Cats

Are you ready for a laugh? If you’re like me, you love to laugh at and with cats. It doesn’t take much more than a kitty-cat antic, a look on your cat’s face, or a cat-oopsie to make you laugh. … Continue reading

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