Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – Enjoying Cats At Large

We have a cat—just one now. How we miss Lily. She was the cat in charge—the one who filled our home with frivolity and fun. We love Sophie, and we’re enjoying the new Sophie who has emerged since she is, … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – National Kitten Day

If I were to choose my favorite pet holiday it would be National Kitten Day. This year it was on Saturday, July 10. I don’t know how you celebrated, but I celebrated by sending a donation to my favorite cat … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – What Color’s Your Cat?

Cats come in many designs and patterns and shades and most of us have some favorites. Maybe you had a grey-and-white cat once that you adored. Certainly cats with that coloring will catch your eye as you recall special times … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Cat’s Tongue

A cat’s tongue is uniquely designed for a variety of purposes and, as you will notice with your own cats, they use their tongue a lot. Cats do a lot of grooming, and lapping, and tasting, and they’ll sometimes even … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Health | 2 Comments

Newsday Tuesday – Happy Cat News in 2020

All is not bleak for cats this year. Although we’re struggling in ways we never could have predicted, and many pets are being displaced because of it, there are good-news kitty-cat stories being told all over the globe. Are you … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Is Your Cat Fluffy or Fat?

According to statistics, a whopping fifty-eight percent of America’s household cats are overweight. Over thirty percent are considered obese. This trend shouldn’t be too surprising since sixty-six percent of American adults are considered overweight. Our pets are part of the … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – What Does Meow Actually Mean?

If you’ve been around many cats you know that they can sound different from one another. There isn’t just a meow sound, there are pitches to the meow—each cat is capable of making a variety of sounds and some have … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – My Cat Loves Me—She Loves Me Not

Old school thought—that cats are aloof and incapable of caring—has been pretty much thrown out the window as we spend more time with cats over the years and tune into them more. Those of us with cats know the truth. … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Name That Cat!

If you’ve been following this week’s blog posts, you’re probably ready for a lighter, more uplifting topic. So I thought I’d end the week on a happier note—focusing on when you finally find that purr-fect new addition to your loving … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Adopting a Cat in 2020

Okay, so you feel that enough time has gone by. You’re past the most painful part of your grieving, and you’re ready to welcome a new cat or kitten into your home without any expectations. You’re open to getting to … Continue reading

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