Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday – Time for a Little Laugh

It’s been a rough several weeks for most of us—horrifying news each day, and everything around us rapidly changing. Some people are struggling in many ways—financially, emotionally, physically. So today, I thought I’d promote laughter. We all know it’s good … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Yes, You Can Set Up a Pet Trust

I’ve posted before about the value in choosing a godparent for your cat. In these precarious times, there will be many pets in need of temporary and in the most severe situations, permanent care. Some of our pets will outlive … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday — Are Your Cats a Tax Advantage?

Among other things it’s tax season. If you’ve had an expensive year with your cats you may wish their care and that medical procedure, vaccines, special food, and boarding/pet sitter were deductible. Believe it or not there are tax breaks … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Night Lily Became the Cat in a China Shop

As near as I can figure, it all started with a look between the two cats. Sophie had taken over the couch blankie after Lily had finally left it. Lily had claimed that blankie all afternoon and into the evening, … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday—The Adventuring Cat

I love reading stories of camping, hiking, mountain-climbing, canoeing cats. I generally check out the photos for any indication that the cat is frightened or that he has been coerced into taking the hike or swim against his wishes. On … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday—The Corona Virus and Your Cats

It didn’t occur to me that cats could get the Corona Virus, but this is a question posed by some pet owners and the answers may surprise you. As many of you in past weeks, I’ve been sick, but I … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats in High Places

Do you have ladders, platforms, and cat walks in your home for your cats? Cats love to hide out under furniture, in boxes, cupboards, cat trees, blanket-tents and such, but they also like to climb and play king/queen of the … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday –Catty March

Every single month there are celebrations and “holidays” related to our pets. You’ve read some of my posts related to “take your pet to work day,” “hug your cat day,” “visit a cat shelter day,” “answer your cat’s questions day,” … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Sick With Cats

No, I don’t mean sick of cats, but sick with cats. How do your cats react when you’re too sick to keep to your usual routine?  We all know that most cats don’t do well with change, especially when it … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Meet Bootsie

This is Bootsie. I never had the opportunity to meet Bootsie, but I fell in love with her from hearing her story and seeing her pictures. Doesn’t she look like a really cool cat? I received this story from a … Continue reading

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