Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday – Where Does Your Cat Sleep?

A sleeping cat is adorable. I love seeing a cat curled up, eyes closed and relaxed. So sweet. And aren’t their choice of sleeping areas interesting? OMGosh, they can make the most ordinary item extraordinarily cute just by climbing in … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Your Cat’s Table Manners IQ

We have two cats with two very different sets of table manners, and I like to think this is a  reflection of their background. Sophie is a dream when it comes to manners. She doesn’t beg for food ever. She … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – The Nebelung Cat

This is a new one on me. Have you heard of the Nebelung (NAY-bel-ung) cat? She looks something like a Russian Blue with long hair, but breeders say this isn’t the case. However, the Russian Blue is certainly in the … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – The Eye of the Cat

“Who can believe that there’s no soul behind those luminous eyes?” “In a cats eyes, all things belong to cats.” “A cat can close his eyes and keep both ears awake.” “If you want to know how to love, get … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Cats on the Prowl

Indoor versus outdoor cats—it’s created a controversy for eons. I spoke with a neighbor last night about her indoor/outdoor kittens (who are almost a year old now). She was concerned because her cats are getting rather hefty, but said it … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats With Wheels

Does your cat like riding in cars? Have you introduced him to a stroller? Do your kids take the family cat for a ride in their wagon or in the basket on their bicycle? While most cats won’t tolerate even … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – The Line Between Cat Hoarder and Cat Rescuer

Each year 25,000 animals are caught up in hoarding cases in this country. Over 3,500 animal hoarders are investigated annually. Sadly, 70 percent of the cats rescued in hoarding situations are euthanized because of physical, emotional, and/or social damage or … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday –The Many Faces of a Cat

While a passing stranger or an occasional guest might see your cat as one-dimensional, you know the truth. Your Fluffy or Tiger is a cat of many faces—and his purr-sonality isn’t displayed solely through his demeanor. You know when your … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Interesting Facts About Your Cat’s Tongue

You probably don’t give your cat’s tongue much thought, unless she licks you. Then you might recoil from the sandpaper feel of her cute, little pink tongue. Have you ever wondered why a cat’s tongue is so rough? Just like … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Cats You’ve Never Heard Of

Is there no end to breeders creating new cat breeds? We’ve made cats taller, leaner, squattier, cobbier. We’ve bred cats with long fur, short fur, and no fur—curly, straight, and in between. And what about their ears? I guess the … Continue reading

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