Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – Enrichment for Cats

Is your cat getting enough enrichment or is she bored and lethargic. Or worse, does she get into trouble by clawing furniture, chewing the houseplants, and trying to escape every chance she gets? The fact is that your cat needs … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Ordinary People Helping Stray Cats

I know many people who have gone out of their way to help feral cats. Some take any homeless cat into their home and heart. Some of them establish shelters and begin professionally helping homeless cats. Many others do what … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Cat Care, Feral Cats | 2 Comments

Mindful Monday – Snuggle Cats

I photographed these two feral cats snuggling together to keep warm one chilly afternoon and I wondered, are they siblings? I’ve seen the way littermates wrap themselves around each other when resting or sleeping. It’s adorable. The two sister kittens … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Living With Cats | 1 Comment

Frivolous Friday – Your Cat Rituals

Admit it, you and your cat have rituals you follow, right? And I’ll bet that at least some of them were the cat’s idea. Here in our household of two cats, we have customs and routines we follow quite ceremonial … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Living With Cats | 1 Comment

Newsday Tuesday – Is Your Cat Bored With You?

 Is your cat showing signs of boredom? Actually, she probably had a pretty good month helping you wrap presents, knocking Christmas tree ornaments around, and playing among the gift bags and pretty paper. And what about the constant flow of … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Activities for Cats | 1 Comment

Mindful Monday – What’s in a CAT’s Name?

When you adopt, rescue, purchase, or otherwise find yourself embracing a cat, do you struggle to name him or her? Or does the name just pop out as if the cat herself put it into your head? Does he send … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – How Many Cats is Too Many?

I collected cats for a while. At one time I had eleven—including a litter of kittens. That’s when I learned that some of us have a limit as to the number of cats we can comfortably and successfully manage. I … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – How To Cuddle a Cat

Do you love sitting with a cat in your lap? There are benefits, you know—beyond the pure enjoyment of the snuggle. There’s scientific evidence that having a cat around is good for your health. But there are other benefits to … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Kitty Sisters

Lily and Sophie are not actually related. They’re what I’d call accidental sisters—sisters who’ve been forced on each other. Or you can look at it from a more positive point of view and say the universe or magical circumstances have … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Your Cat’s Holiday Portrait

Have you been attempting to get a really nice photograph of your cat posing with the Christmas tree or with your favorite angel decoration? It’s not always easy to capture the PURRfect cat image. But can you imagine trying to … Continue reading

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