Category Archives: About Cats

Frivolous Friday – The Dating Game With Cats

Did you know that behavior traits in cats can be inherited? When we rescue a cat or a kitten without knowing anything about their breeding we’re pretty much taking a chance on the cat. Will she be naughty or nice, … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Christmas is Showing Up and the Cats Are Amused

Why is it that anytime something new arrives in your home, the cat claims it as hers? You unpack a box from Amazon and the cat takes it over. You bring in a bag of groceries and the cat climbs … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – The Value of a Chip—and I Don’t Mean the Chocolate Chip

Don’t you just love to hear stories of lost or runaway cats being reunited with their family? And these reunions are made possible most often by the microchip. There was a story in the news last week about a cat … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Cats Get PTSD Too

Have you ever heard of a cat with PTSD? When you consider the stress homeless, neglected, and abused cats are under day in and day out, it’s not hard to imagine that their constant fear could affect their bodies and … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – When Your Cat Won’t Accept Your Gift

Just about every home with a cat also has at least one cat tree or other device intended for your cat to use for clawing instead of your furniture or your Persian rug or even your antique lampshade. Oh yes, … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – More About Marmalades, Gingers, Reds

Yesterday I shared with you the stunning news about Smokey’s heritage—at least where he got his coloring from. If you have a red/orange cat or you’ve ever had one or you know someone with one, you may have done some … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday –Who’s the Daddy–A Ginger????

Interesting/shocking fact: Smokey’s sire is probably an orange tabby! Yesterday we talked about cat genetics. And I told you I’ve been dabbling in this topic a little for a future Klepto Cat Mystery. Well, during my search, I connected with … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – The Fascinating World of Cat Genetics

One of my upcoming books—Book 41—will be unusual in that Savannah wants to locate Rags’s siblings and possibly his parents. To prepare for this story, I’ve been researching cat genetics. Did you know that you can swab your cat and … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – National Cat Lovers Month

It seems unnecessary to set aside a time to love and appreciate your cat. Aren’t our cats always, consistently, continuously our first and foremost concern every day of the year? Don’t they get more of what they crave than any … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Welcome-Wagon Cats

Our cats are totally inside cats, but I have to say I do enjoy the cats who are allowed to roam the neighborhood. I love watching them play in our gardens, nap in a sunny (or shady) spot in our … Continue reading

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