Category Archives: About Cats

Paws Up for Wednesday – Cats of a Different Color

I don’t know about you, but I get a lot of cat-related posts on my facebook page and some of them feature unusually marked cats—a mom and a kitten both with a heart pattern on their fur, cats with distinct … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Cats in Shelters

When’s the last time you visited an animal shelter or a cattery? I’ve done so many times over my life. I’ve visited, I’ve volunteered, I’ve socialized, I’ve adopted. I think most of us have. Last week I visited our local … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – National Black Cat Day

Today, Friday, October 27, 2023 is National Black Cat Day. I think we all know why we need to promote such a day—still, black cats are too common to be special  (in the minds of many people). They are the … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – Rare Cats

As much research as I do about cats, I’m always surprised to come across something new in the world of cats. Here are two cat breeds I was not aware of until this week. Have you ever heard of the … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Does My Cat Have Dementia?

Even the most predictable cats might change in subtle or noticeable ways as they age, but do cats get dementia? According to the experts, some do. I’ve provided a link to a good article on the topic. Meanwhile, let’s discuss … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday — Does Your Cat Have a Favorite Way of Cuddling?

I’d known enough cats in my life to realize a cat-is-not-a-cat, is-not-a-cat. They come in different sizes, colors, styles and purr-sonalities. This is true in the way the cat interacts with you, plays, eats, sleeps, and even snuggles. Some cats … Continue reading

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Paws Up for Wednesday – First Cat in Space Day

Yes, it’s true, a cat has been in space and back. Evidently in the 1960s, the French decided to try launching a cat into space. They chose a pert black and white street cat for this experiment and actually brought … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – Global Cat Day

Today is Global Cat Day—a day, according to the organizers of this observance, for all of us to become cat advocates—to be the voice cats cannot be for themselves, and defend cats as we would any member of our community. … Continue reading

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Meowy Monday – How to Leave Your Cat

It’s not easy, is it, to go off on vacation, an overnight business or pleasure trip, or even for a day outing and leave your cat with those wide-eyes and questioning look behind. Of course she has everything she needs … Continue reading

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Feline Fun Friday – Oh Those Hilarious Cat Memes

Ever wonder what a meme is and where the term came from? Technically, it’s purported to be “a unit of cultural information spread by imitation.” And while we may think so, because the term is so widespread over the internet, … Continue reading

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