Category Archives: About Cats

Newsday Tuesday – When it Involves Cats, See Something—Say Something

Have you ever known someone or knew of someone who kept more cats than seemed logical or healthy? Maybe you’re aware of someone who attracts feral cats to the neighborhood by feeding them. I was once aware of a house … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – What About Petting? Your Cat, I Mean

Does he like it or not? Does your pleasure and desire to pet your cat come with rules and reservations and limitations? Lily has that kind of fur you want touch and run your fingers through. It’s medium long, fluffy, … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Zoo Fun

One of my bucket list dreams is to visit the Irwin’s amazing animal preserve in Australia. Yes, I love animals and I love visiting preserves and zoos. What animals do you navigate toward when you visit a zoo? If you’re … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Holy Snickers Bar! Talk About an Overweight Cat!

Cinder-Block is a sweet solid grey cat who lives in the UK and who, by some food fetish or maybe a genetic quirk, has become…well, there’s no polite way to put it…she’s FAT. Really fat. Her owner wasn’t able to … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – It’s National Cat Day

When I was a child I remember asking my parents why is there Mothers Day and Fathers Day and no kids day? They told me that every day is kids day. I think you could say the same for most … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – Pet-Related Jobs and Volunteer Work

Many children dream of growing up being surrounded by animals. They see themselves swimming with the dolphins or caring for the elephants at a major zoo. Some want to be veterinarians, horse trainers, safari guides, or maybe run an avian … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – How to Introduce Another Cat Into the Household

A blog follower asked if I’d cover this topic. I’ve actually written articles on the subject in my other life (as a freelance article-writer), for Cat Fancy Magazine, as I recall. It might still be floating around on the Internet … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Old Cat Versus Dog Controversy

Before we start today’s blog, I’d like to revisit a topic we touched on Monday–“What Should I Feed My Cat?” The old grain-free versus grain-filled question came up with a vote for the old-fashioned non-grain-free cat food and dog food … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – On the Wild Side

Those of us who adore our fur-babies (our house cats) are also fascinated by those cats that still live wild. I read last week that the domestic cats shares 95-96% of the same DNA with the tiger. Here’s a cool … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – What Should I Feed My Cat?

 In most cases, the answer to this question is—whatever he’ll eat. Cats can be finicky, but there are so many cat food choices out there that surely you can find something he’ll adore. Is it canned food (pate, sliced, stew), … Continue reading

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