Category Archives: About Cats

Thoughts for Thursday – We’re All About Cats

Tuesday I shared a press release from Emma at We’re All About Cats. Today, I’d like to talk about their blog. Here’s how they define their “Purr-pose.” To create a cat-loving community where cat-lovers can share stories, advice, and leave comments aiming to educate … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – There’s a New Grumpy Cat in Town

Have you met Louis of Austin? He may become the newest grumpy-face cat. Here is a good introduction of Louis of Austin. And then there’s the saddest cat on the Internet—Meowlancholy from Beijing. What a cutie. Sixteen of … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Outrageous Art and Useful Items From Your Cat

Do you throw out a LOT of cat hair every week? Wait! There are uses for cat hair that you might not have thought of. Maybe you’ve read the book, “Crafting With Cat Hair.” It’s kind of an interesting concept, … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – The Saga of a Garage Cat

I trapped my first cat last week and it was a bittersweet moment. I first caught a glimpse of him (or her) darting from our bird feeder into the garage. I thought it was Annie, a neighborhood kitten, but something … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – The Cat Said What?

Has someone finally deciphered meow language? Sure, we can read a cat’s body language, but there are still moments when we cannot understand what the cat wants and it’s frustrating. Well, Jonas Jurgella, author of The Cat Language Bible, How … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – What’s New in the Healthy Happy Cat Business?

Today I’ll introduce two of my favorite cat products—although I haven’t tried either of them, yet. And I’ll tell you about two surprising medical devices for cats. We talked recently about hearing loss and deafness in cats. Did you know … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – My Cat Loves Me—She Loves Me Not

Does your cat truly love you—does she really care? There’s a lot of controversy around the emotions of the “ordinary housecat”. They’re aloof, yet they adore human contact; they’re indifferent, but they might actually be capable of a feeling similar … Continue reading

Posted in About Cats, Living With Cats | 2 Comments

Frivolous Friday – Left Paw-Right Paw

So is your cat a righty or a lefty? Have you been watching which paw he leads with when he plays, bats a ball around, reaches for your hand wanting a petting? Which paw does she use most often to … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Cats of a Different Cloth

Not all cats are created equal. There are cats whose ears are too large, cats with wimpy, rat tails; odd body shapes; or an un-attractive face. Some cats have too many toes, a crooked tail or odd eyes. There are … Continue reading

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Wild (And Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Missing Cats: In Photos, That is

Photographing cats is a real test in patience. I’m so glad we’re no longer buying film and paying to have it developed because the cats I photograph—mine and others—would be costing me a fortune. I sometimes believe I get more … Continue reading

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