Category Archives: About Cats

Newsday Tuesday – Happy Cat Month

September is happy cat month. We all want a happy cat, right? In fact when I asked the question last week, “If your cat could respond, what question would you most like to ask her?” one woman wrote, “Are you … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday – Deaf Pet Awareness Week

Most of us who have been fascinated by cats for any length of time have heard that a white cat with blue eyes is prone to congenital deafness. And this carries true into many breeds of cat, not just a … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday –Very Unique Shelters for Cats

The weather, in some parts of the US is starting to change with the season and our nights are becoming cooler. It’s that time of year when those who work with feral cats scramble to make sure they have shelter … Continue reading

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Thoughts for Thursday – Kittens Becoming Cats

  Everyone loves a baby anything—horned toad, bird, rabbit, lion, buffalo, crocodile—it doesn’t matter. Babies are adorable. But kittens are the cutest thing going. I think it’s kind of fun to see how a kitten matures. Sometimes it’s hard to … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Ask Your Cat a Question

Have you ever gazed at your cat from across the room or as she sits at your feet and wondered what she’s thinking? If only your precious cat—the one you’re so close to—could communicate so that you can understand what … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Less Adoptable Pet Week

Have you ever found yourself caring for a less adoptable pet—one with a deformed leg, an eye missing, blindness or deafness, for example? What about a cat with a nasty disposition or a bad habit. I think most of us, … Continue reading

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Mindful Monday — Should You Tattoo Your Cat?

Thirty years ago this concept would be scoffed at big time. Tattoos on people were even a bit shocking. Only service men and wild women had tattoos—and most of the women hid there’s from view. I was surprised nearly forty-five … Continue reading

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Frivolous Friday – The Cat’s Got Talent

What is your cat’s super power? Is he a great jumper or climber? Can she find the best and most unique hiding places? Do her claws grow extra long and thick? Does she have a gorgeous tail, a pretty ruff … Continue reading

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Wild (and Sometimes Crazy) Wednesday – Cats and Kids

Is your cat a kid magnet? Does she like children? Is she curious when little ones visit? Or does she hide under the bed or under the covers when she hears the pitter patter of little feet? When Lily was … Continue reading

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Newsday Tuesday – Record-Breaking Cats

Everyone with a cat believes he or she is the best or most unique in some way. Lily’s claim to fame is her klepto habit—she carries all sorts of things around in her mouth—money, socks, her toys, paper wads… The … Continue reading

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